yangxvlin / Family-Artifact-Register

COMP30022 - IT Project - 2019S2 - Capstone Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Resource collection - All good resources/materials #49

Closed Dovermore closed 4 years ago

Dovermore commented 4 years ago

I think we need a central place organising good coding resources so everyone can see it.

Dovermore commented 4 years ago

Fancy voice action

Dovermore commented 4 years ago

Map display and location detection

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

only @HaichaoS :have a look

compress String path is easy. But compress from InputStream is tricky.


yangxvlin commented 4 years ago


disable actionbar for certain activity: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19545450

Dovermore commented 4 years ago

Simple usage of Fragment and other UI components

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

https://www.canva.com/pro/ free 12 month subscription if you are in github education pack

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

https://developer.android.com/training/improving-layouts/reusing-layouts use this to remove repeated layouts

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago


If you start an activity whose parent is setted in manifest from a fragment, and you press the home button, the original activity will be recreated thus you won't go back to your original fragment

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

timeline https://github.com/vipulasri/Timeline-View

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago


Dovermore commented 4 years ago

Fragments Life Cycle

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

some useful third-party library

HaichaoS commented 4 years ago


HaichaoS commented 4 years ago

Image Crop

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

sticky timeline

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

render animation on android device

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

Chat Kit

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

fragment inside fragment

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

a good example illustrating ViewModel, LiveData and room together Android Room with a View

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

storage in android

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

good resource for choosing beautiful gradient color and this one

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

beautiful bottom navigation bar

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

some examples of good profile page design

chen-dudu commented 4 years ago

good resource to get inspiration on design

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

Android Image Slider replace for recycler view?

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

good dialog library click images to scroll in dialog

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago

recycler view animaiton recycler view animaiton (probably easier) animations library

yangxvlin commented 4 years ago
