yangxy / PASD

[ECCV2024] Pixel-Aware Stable Diffusion for Realistic Image Super-Resolution and Personalized Stylization
Apache License 2.0
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The replication results of the experiment cannot be aligned #21

Open k-zha14 opened 1 year ago

k-zha14 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your impressive work, PASD. Now I encounter some issues while reproducing your Real-IR experiment results and would appreciate your assistance.

After training the model for 500k steps(as instructed in this repo), I tested the performance of different step model weights on the benchmark dataset, like 50k, 100k, 200k. However, the inference results of these weights I replicated are ALL NOT as impressive as yours. These are looked more blurry&noisy and lack sharpness. (FYI, I have included several comparative sample images from DRealSRx4 dataset, 128px -> 512px, in the attachment)

After code checking, I think the code is clean. Perhaps there's a discrepancy in the configuration of the degraded model parameters, i.e real-esrgan configure parameters? Or there are any magic training trick?

I would greatly appreciate any ideas or assistance you can provide! Thank you again! panasonic_145 sony_82

starrism-yu commented 12 months ago

Hi, I have the same question, can you share some training tricks if there is exists?Thanks a lot