yangyangyang127 / APE

[ICCV 2023] Code for "Not All Features Matter: Enhancing Few-shot CLIP with Adaptive Prior Refinement"
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APE_T crashes due to misused parameter #13

Open amir-rosenfeld opened 3 months ago

amir-rosenfeld commented 3 months ago

calcriterion uses a different number of features for training-free and finetuning. For finetuning it returns: `, indices = torch.topk(criterion, k=min(cfg['training_feat_num'],len(criterion))) However, APE_training callsself.indices = cal_criterion(cfg, clip_weights, cache_keys)where the argumenttraining_freedefaults toTrue, hence the wrong configuration is used, eventually causing a dimension mismatch new_cache_keys[:, self.indices] = new_cache_keys [:, self.indices] + res_keys RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (800) must match the size of tensor b (900) at non-singleton dimension 1`