yangyanli / globfit

Code for SIGGRAPH 2011 paper GlobFit: Consistently Fitting Primitives by Discovering Global Relations
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Some functions in the file are not implemented. #2

Open huoyubai18 opened 4 years ago

huoyubai18 commented 4 years ago

I notice that in GlobFit.h, some functions can not be found in its corresponding cpp file, is it a complete file?

louiemay commented 4 years ago

I uploade the original GlobFit.h and GlobFit.cpp files. Please check in the attachment.


Ph.d. Student Mechanical Design and Theory School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University QQ: 2945374262 WeChat: louiemay Tel: (+86)18757133610

At 2020-03-30 15:33:52, "huoyubai18" notifications@github.com wrote:

I notice that in GlobFit.h, some functions can not be found in its corresponding cpp file, is it a complete file?

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include "Types.h"

include "Cone.h"

include "Plane.h"

include "Sphere.h"

include "Cylinder.h"

include "GlobFit.h"

GlobFit::GlobFit(void) { }

GlobFit::~GlobFit(void) { for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = _vecPointSet.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i) { delete _vecPointSet[i]; }

for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = _vecPrimitive.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i) { delete _vecPrimitive[i]; } }

bool GlobFit::load(const std::string& filename) { std::string line; std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());

if (!fin.good()) { return false; }

size_t numPoint = 0; while (fin) { getline(fin, line); if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') { continue; }

std::stringstream sin(line);
sin >> numPoint;


while (fin && numPoint != 0){ getline(fin, line);

if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') {


RichPoint* p = new RichPoint();

double x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, confidence;

std::stringstream sin(line);
sin >> x >> y >> z >> nx >> ny >> nz >> confidence;

p->point        = Point(x, y, z);
p->normal       = Vector(nx, ny, nz)/sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
p->confidence   = confidence;


size_t numPrimitive = 0; while (fin) { getline(fin, line); if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') { continue; }

std::stringstream sin(line);
sin >> numPrimitive;


while (fin && numPrimitive != 0){ getline(fin, line);

if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') {

std::string indication = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(" \t"));
Primitive* pPrimitive = NULL;
if (indication == "plane") {
  pPrimitive = new Plane(_vecPointSet);
} else if (indication == "cylinder") {
  pPrimitive = new Cylinder(_vecPointSet);
} else if (indication == "cone") {
  pPrimitive = new Cone(_vecPointSet);
} else if (indication == "sphere") {
  pPrimitive = new Sphere(_vecPointSet);

if (pPrimitive == NULL) {
  std::cerr << "Error: bad file format!" << std::endl;

fin.seekg(-((int)(line.size()+1)), std::ios::cur);
if (pPrimitive->load(fin)) {
} else {
  delete pPrimitive;
  std::cerr << "Error: bad file format!" << std::endl;


return true; }

bool GlobFit::save(const std::string& filename) const { std::ofstream fout(filename.c_str()); if (!fout.good()) { return false; }


fout << "# Number of Points" << std::endl; fout << _vecPointSet.size() << std::endl; fout << "# Here comes the " << _vecPointSet.size() << " Points" << std::endl; fout << "# point_x point_y point_z normal_x normal_y normal_z confidence" << std::endl; for (std::vector<RichPoint>::const_iterator it = _vecPointSet.begin(); it != _vecPointSet.end(); ++ it) { fout << (it)->point << " " << (it)->normal << " " << (it)->confidence << std::endl; } fout << "# End of Points" << std::endl;

fout << std::endl; fout << "# Number of Primitives" << std::endl; fout << _vecPrimitive.size() << std::endl; fout << "# Here comes the " << _vecPrimitive.size() << " Primitives" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = _vecPrimitive.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i ) { fout << "# Primitive " << i << std::endl; _vecPrimitive[i]->save(fout); fout << std::endl; } fout << "# End of Primitives" << std::endl;

return true; }

huoyubai18 commented 4 years ago

thanks a lot! actually,i haven't run through the code yet,Are there any requirements?

louiemay commented 4 years ago

OSG and boost library have to be pre-installed. The development environment i'm using is OpenScenGraph3.4.0+boost1.66.0+visual studio2015 on win8 OS. Hope that can help you^_^