yanhao-li / numenu

Numenu App
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Seed databases with more restaurants and menu items #44

Closed mattmotto closed 3 years ago

mattmotto commented 3 years ago

Focus on restaurants in the Columbia area Restaurants should have: Name location address phone number

mattmotto commented 3 years ago

Menus should have all food items from the restaurant

GeorgeDiNicola commented 3 years ago

Seeded restaurants and associated data (8 total) Seeded dishes and associated data (40 total) reviews (8 total, 1 for each restaurant) dish reviews - left as is.... Not sure how we are going to get this in a non-painful way

GeorgeDiNicola commented 3 years ago

Added advanced seeding functionality for tables that have foreign key associations. The logic used in seeds.rb will be extremely useful for creating new objects in the database from the application.