yanisdb / hyper-acrylic

Extension for Hyper that makes the background acrylic on Windows 10.
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It doesn't work #1

Open ricardoboss opened 3 years ago

ricardoboss commented 3 years ago


```js "use strict"; module.exports = { config: { updateChannel: 'stable', fontSize: 12, fontFamily: '"JetBrains Mono", monospace', fontWeight: 'normal', fontWeightBold: 'bold', lineHeight: 1.2, letterSpacing: 0, cursorColor: '#aaa', cursorAccentColor: '#000', cursorShape: 'BLOCK', cursorBlink: true, foregroundColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#000', selectionColor: '#999', borderColor: '#333', padding: '8px', colors: { black: '#000000', red: '#C51E14', green: '#1DC121', yellow: '#C7C329', blue: '#0A2FC4', magenta: '#C839C5', cyan: '#20C5C6', white: '#C7C7C7', lightBlack: '#686868', lightRed: '#FD6F6B', lightGreen: '#67F86F', lightYellow: '#FFFA72', lightBlue: '#6A76FB', lightMagenta: '#FD7CFC', lightCyan: '#68FDFE', lightWhite: '#FFFFFF', limeGreen: '#32CD32', lightCoral: '#F08080', }, shell: 'C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe', shellArgs: [], acrylic: { blur: "acrylic", alpha: 150, }, }, plugins: [ 'hyper-acrylic' ], }; ```

Please tell me what info to provide so we can fix this.

amirasyraf commented 2 years ago

Can confirm. Doesn't work. At least on Windows 11.

thedroiddiv commented 11 months ago

Not working on MacOS Ventura as well.