yanivsegev / VSTS-DropPlan

Plan and track your sprint with a calendar based view.
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Error encountered when opening drop plan settings #115

Closed Alfadbhq closed 5 months ago

Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

with the latest updates, we are unable to open drop plan settings and stalled in "Please wait while loading data..." Framework loaded. MicrosoftTeams-image

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Do you have an iteration configured?

What does Drop Plan do when you access it from the sprint view?

Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

Thanks for the quick reply. We have configured iteration for the entire team (see attached). When we first encountered this, we just go to settings and update, apparently for this project we cannot do that and stalled when loading. Project Iterations Droplan Sprint

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hiya @Alfadbhq woah, that Drop Plan is not pretty!

How many siblings do those tasks have?
I counted one with 103 dots. indicating 103 tasks in a story.

Can you also send a screenshot showing the warnings for one or two of those tasks please.

Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

Hello again @sgtwilko

104 to be exact :) anyways all the warnings are "Testing starting before Development has finished!." For more than 30 projects that uses this app in ADO, these happens on these project only. Do you think the number of tasks per user story has something do with it Warnings ?

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hi @Alfadbhq ,

I don't think the number of siblings will cause the warning to be wrong, but it could very well cause performance issues.

Is the warning correct? Do you have Testing starting before development has finished?

I'll see if we can limit the sibling indicators so that they don't overflow the page.

I'll also have a look at why the settings page crashed. Do you have multiple teams setup? If so, could you have been viewing as a team which doesn't have an active iteration?

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hi @Alfadbhq , Couple of questions.

Are you a member of the team? Are you a member of multiple teams in the project? What's your Azure Devops licence level (basic, stakeholder, etc) Do you have permission to view the Project Process?

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hiya @Alfadbhq ,

The latest version has a fix for your large number of tasks. Also a little debug in the settings page, so a fresh screenshot of that would be handy.

(Would also be nice to see how the drop plan looks with the large number of tasks fix)

Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

Apologies for late reply.

Will try to answer your question one by one in summary.

Our team setup is (see attached) for the whole of our Division is setup that way. No order enforced.

DropPlan Team Settings.

I oversee all the project settings even am not part of the team with a Basic + Test Plan license. All teams using the sprint drop plan are with an active iteration and with Basic or Basic + Test plans license as well.

The latest fixed did not resolved the issue, still cannot modify the drop plan settings of the affected project. (see latest screenshots). Hence, discuss the issue with the scrum master to break the user story into two, just to limit large tasks under one user story. Will send another update once breaking user story is done.

dropplan settings

Droplan 021224

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hiya @Alfadbhq The last screenshot looks a lot better to me, you no longer have things cascading down the screen.

The first screenshot shows the settings working correctly, was that from someone who is a team member?

Was the screenshot of the settings working on the Same project as the final screenshot? Those settings are per project, so if you want to disable the warning you would need just once on each project.

I think that the size of the stories will Not affect the settings. You should not need to break them down to get the settings to work. I suspect that DevOps is not returning the team id when you access the settings page, hence why I was asking if you're part of the team. I'll see if there's another way to access the information.

Edit: I've opened a PR to fix the issue with the Warnings so once that's merged that will stop, but I'm still not sure on the settings page. The console on the settings page should show a message that says Team context, it should have an object. Can you confirm if the object has both a projectId and a teamId please.

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hi @Alfadbhq ,

Can you confirm that the changes made are now no longer showing the warning on each task? Can you also confirm if you are the only person unable to see the settings page.


Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

Thanks for the update. Apparently it still showing, I already included myself as part of the team and project administrator as well just to check if there's change in behavior but it's still the same. attached is the latest screenshot.

Rest of the team are unable to see the setting page as well.

Sprint Drop Plan Settings

Regards :)

sgtwilko commented 7 months ago

Hi @Alfadbhq , How did you get that screenshot of the settings page working from the 12th? Was that you or a different user?

Alfadbhq commented 7 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

The screenshot came from me, since i have the access to all 30 projects and teams that are using this extension for daily scrum meeting, however, only one project is having issues when loading drop plan settings.

sgtwilko commented 6 months ago


I've replicated the issue.

Please can you check the team settings for the project that is failing.

Do you have a blank backlog iteration like the following image: image

Alfadbhq commented 6 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

Here's the snapshot of teams iteration, these includes past, current and future iteration.

opds1_1 opds1-2 opds1-3 opds1-4


sgtwilko commented 6 months ago

@Alfadbhq More logging was added to the settings page in 2.2.0. Please can you check you are on at least 2.2.0 and then can you retry the failing page and let me have the details from the console please.


Alfadbhq commented 6 months ago

Hi @sgtwilko,

We are using 2.2.1, and we encountered error settings when opening erroneous project, hence rest of the projects are working as expected. SDP ops error

SDP version