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If you #6

Open yanjr opened 3 months ago

yanjr commented 3 months ago

If you:

  1. Fix your sleep
  2. Read Books
  3. Wake up early
  4. Build rare Skills
  5. Walk 10k Steps
  6. Fix your Thinking
  7. Keep journal
  8. Focus on one thing
  9. Procrastination You're ahead of 99% of the population. Keep going.


  1. 改善睡眠
  2. 读书
  3. 早起
  4. 培养稀有技能
  5. 步行10公里
  6. 修正你的想法
  7. 保持杂志
  8. 专注于一件事
  9. 拖延症 你比99%的人都领先。 继续。
yanjr commented 3 months ago

1. Fix your sleep Poor sleep affects your mind,body and soul. Getting 8 hours of sleep:

Calms and restores the body. Improves concentration. Sharpens judgment. Improves decision-making. Regulates mood.

1. 改善睡眠 30%的成年人睡眠不足。 睡眠不好会影响你的思想、身体和灵魂。


镇静和恢复身体。 提高专注力。 提高判断力。 提高了决策力。 调节情绪。

yanjr commented 3 months ago

2. Read Books

yanjr commented 3 months ago
  1. Wake up early
yanjr commented 3 months ago
  1. Build rare Skills
yanjr commented 3 months ago
  1. Walk 10k Steps
yanjr commented 3 months ago

6. Fix your Thinking

You are what you think. You can correct it. "We suffer more in imagination than in reality" ~ Seneca

Here are the ways:

Remember - the clearer you are, the clearer your mind will be.

纠正你的思维方式 你是你所想的人。你能修正它。 “我们在想象中比在现实中更痛苦” ~塞内加



yanjr commented 3 months ago
  1. Keep journal
yanjr commented 3 months ago

8. Focus on one thing

Society and corporate culture glorifies this.The reality is, multi tasking does not work.

What to dot:




yanjr commented 3 months ago
  1. Procrastination