yankai-victor / Loading

Android loading view
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how to use ? #2

Closed tellfa closed 9 years ago

tellfa commented 9 years ago

hi, how to use this ? tnx

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

Clone this project with git. And import into Android Studio. For the more detail, I think you can google it. If you want to use one of the loading view. You may need to copy the code to your project. It's a little inconvenience. And there is some information in wiki. I'm still thinking to get a better way.

ydcool commented 9 years ago

You can upload this library to jcenter or maven central.

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

@Ydcool You can see this http://android-arsenal.com/details/1/2295.

veiz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this, as @Ydcool said, it's better to upload this project to jcenter or maven central, then it will be simply imported by one line configuration like compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

@veiz Fine,I'll do it later. Thanks for your advice.

nickzhanglv commented 9 years ago

I can't change color

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

@nickzhanglv Sorry, can you give me more information?

nickzhanglv commented 9 years ago

how can i change rotate Loading color ? default color is white , how can I change to other color. I user xml config (app:loading_color="@color/yellow" ) doesn't work. still white color. <com.victor.loading.rotate.RotateLoading android:id="@+id/rotateloading" android:layout_width="40dp" android:layout_height="40dp" android:layout_centerInParent="true" app:loading_color="@color/yellow" app:loading_width="3dp" />

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

@nickzhanglv Sorry, it was a bug. I fixed it. Thank you.

nickzhanglv commented 9 years ago

Cool! Thanks. You’ve been a big help.

yankai-victor commented 9 years ago

@nickzhanglv Glad to hear that.