yankai-victor / Loading

Android loading view
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Setting color programmatically freezes the loading #7

Closed marianpavel closed 8 years ago

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have setted the color programmatically and it freezes the rotate loading, can you checkt this issue please ?

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

I change the color back to default, it seems it's a problem with the library and the latest version, Note: I have updated from 1.0.1 Edit: tested again on 1.0.1 and it's working, on 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 it's not working.

yankai-victor commented 8 years ago

I checked it and didn't find any problem. Could you show me your code?

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

I ll show you the code in one hour when I get to work. On Feb 23, 2016 03:36, "yankai-victor" notifications@github.com wrote:

I checked it and didn't find any problem. Could you show me your code?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/yankai-victor/Loading/issues/7#issuecomment-187466557 .

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

I am creating a custom object in my application:

`public class ProgressLayout extends RelativeLayout {

private TextView text;
private RotateLoading pb;

public ProgressLayout(Context context) {

    SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences("MyPref", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    pb = new RotateLoading(context);

// pb.setLoadingColor(R.color.material_drawer_primary);

    text = new TextView(context);
    Converter conv = Converter.getInstance(context);

    setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));

    LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(conv.toPixels(70), conv.toPixels(70));
    addView(pb, layoutParams);

    if(pref.getBoolean("runWizard", true))

    LayoutParams textParams = new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, conv.toPixels(200));
    textParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT, RelativeLayout.TRUE);
    textParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, RelativeLayout.TRUE);
    textParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_VERTICAL, RelativeLayout.TRUE);
    textParams.setMargins(0, conv.toPixels(5), 0, 0);
    addView(text, textParams);


public void setMessage(int message) {

public void start() {


and creating the object in my activity and adding it to the layout.

yankai-victor commented 8 years ago

I found the problem. If RotateLoading is created by xml, it will work fine. But if it's created by code, it will freezes. I forgot to add the default value of speedOfDegree. It is freezes, because the speedOfDegree is zero. The code


should be added in line 73, after

shadowPosition = dpToPx(getContext(), DEFAULT_SHADOW_POSITION);

I could only update the code by my own computer after work. So it will be about 4 or 5 hours later. Sorry for that.

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

No problem :+1: update it when you can

yankai-victor commented 8 years ago

It' has been update.

marianpavel commented 8 years ago

It's working, great job.