yankai-victor / Loading

Android loading view
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Can the color of the spheres be changed? #9

Open koolkvd opened 7 years ago

koolkvd commented 7 years ago



I want to display this awesome loading screen on a white background. Any chance that the color of the balls be changed? I so, how.

Regards, Kushan Dave

yankai-victor commented 7 years ago

Hi, you can use setLoadingColor(int color) in NewtonCradleLoading to change the color of the balls.

BatnettWang commented 7 years ago

hi ,brother Can you change the color of RotateLoading dynamically?

sakar97 commented 5 years ago

I dont know why spheres are appearing dark blue in color i already set selLoadingColor(R.color.white) still nothing works help please.!

yankai-victor commented 5 years ago

I dont know why spheres are appearing dark blue in color i already set selLoadingColor(R.color.white) still nothing works help please.!

Using getResources().getColor(R.color.white) or Color.WHITE instead.