yannbertrand / youwatch

An improved YouTube desktop client
MIT License
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Pull-to-refresh new videos #5

Open benavern opened 7 years ago

benavern commented 7 years ago

Is "pull to refresh" what you realy want ? I thought that was a mobile behaviour, not desktop... for me a simple button somewhere would be fine

yannbertrand commented 7 years ago

I'm still not sure on how to do that:

  1. Pull-to-refresh by scrolling (not by clicking as if you were using a mobile device)
    • I like this
    • But it doesn't feel like classic desktop usage
  2. A button
    • Where to place it, and how to name it?
benavern commented 7 years ago

button could go inside the future custom titlebar too, without label, just an icon (mooving while fetching )

yannbertrand commented 7 years ago

One thing to consider is that older videos will be loaded by scrolling (down). So the user should not be disturbed by this behavior depending on how we implement that.

Scroll to refresh