yanne / api-testing

I am using this to test GitHub API
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renaming keyword used in "Run Keywords" of setup/teardown totally mess up the setup/teardown "Run Keywords" statement. #140

Open yanne opened 10 years ago

yanne commented 10 years ago

RIDE 1.3 running on Python 2.7.6. Robot Framework 2.8.4 (Python 2.7.6 on win32)

The original test setup is as pic one,it will first execute keyword 'Go To Yahoo' to go to the website, and then execute the keyword "'Yahoo Search RobotFramework' to input 'robotframework' in the search field and click 'search' button. However, after i renamed the keyword 'Yahoo Search RobotFramework' to 'Search RobotFramework', the statement in test setup became a mess, as pic two.

This issue was originally reported to Google Code on Apr 21, 2014.