yannforget / conda-recipes

Conda recipes for remote sensing
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Running ledapds #3

Closed ahornero closed 7 years ago

ahornero commented 7 years ago

Hi, first of all thank you very much for this awesome package, it is great!

I can find all the binary files except do_ledaps.py, how can I run it after installing it?

Thanks in advance. Regards,


yannforget commented 7 years ago


Thanks for reporting it, I forgot to include it (I don't use this script myself).

However, you can download it directly from upstream (here) and run it like any python script :

python do_ledaps.py --help

Use python2 instead of python if you are using a distribution that use python3 as default.

ahornero commented 7 years ago

Hi Yann,

Thanks for you quick answer. So, do you also recommend Anaconda with Python 2.7 version instead of 3 for this purpose?

Regarding the Anticiallary files, should I download them separately and create the environment variable in the PATH or this is something also included within your container?

Thanks again. Regards,


yannforget commented 7 years ago

The Anaconda python version should not matter as long as you run a script with python2 <script.py>. If python2 is not available in your Anaconda environment your shell will call the one installed in your system. So as long as you have Python 2 installed somewhere in your PATH you shouldn't have any issue.

Regarding the auxiliary files: the conda recipe only provides the binaries, so you still have to download the auxiliary files and set the environment variables yourself (as documented here). IIRC only LEDAPS_AUX_DIR and ESPA_LAND_MASS_POLYGON (not sure for this one).

You are welcome :)

ahornero commented 7 years ago

Hi Yann, thanks again. Everything was clarified! 👍