landsatxplore search now returns an exception
command : landsatxplore search --dataset LANDSAT_TM_C1 --location 12.53 -1.53 --start 1995-01-01 --end 1995-12-31
exception :
...landsatxplore/", line 50, in login
raise EarthExplorerError('EE: {}'.format(response['error']))
landsatxplore.exceptions.EarthExplorerError: EE: This API has been retired and replaced by the API at
landsatxplore search now returns an exception command : landsatxplore search --dataset LANDSAT_TM_C1 --location 12.53 -1.53 --start 1995-01-01 --end 1995-12-31 exception : ...landsatxplore/", line 50, in login raise EarthExplorerError('EE: {}'.format(response['error'])) landsatxplore.exceptions.EarthExplorerError: EE: This API has been retired and replaced by the API at