yannh / kubeconform

A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources!
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Could not find schema for HTTPRoute,GCPGatewayPolicy and HealthCheckPolicy #262

Closed porottasambar closed 2 months ago

porottasambar commented 4 months ago

I am encountering an error while trying to validate using gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 and networking.gke.io/v1

build/test.yaml: HTTPRoute failed validation: test could not find schema for HTTPRoute
build/gpolicy.yaml: GCPGatewayPolicy failed validation: gateway-policy could not find schema for GCPGatewayPolicy
build/groute.yaml:  Gateway failed validation: gateway could not find schema for Gateway
build/health.yaml: HealthCheckPolicy failed validation: health could not find schema for HealthCheckPolicy


kubeconform -summary -output pretty -schema-location default -schema-location https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datreeio/CRDs-catalog/main/{{.Group}}/{{.ResourceKind}}_{{.ResourceAPIVersion}}.json build

what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

johnyjim commented 3 months ago

I think we don't have a schema for these objects yet.

yannh commented 2 months ago

Closing, I believe this would be CRDs-catalog related :+1: