But when I ran
python tagger.py test -ens -p ud1 -e test.txt -m model_ud1 -emb Embeddings/glove.txt
It shew the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tagger.py", line 505, in
File "/data1/myname/nlp/tagger/bucket_model.py", line 597, in tag
pt_h=pt_holder, pt=self.pixels, ensemble=ensemble, batch_size=real_batch)
File "/data1/myname/nlp/tagger/bucket_model.py", line 615, in predict
File "/data1/myname/nlp/tagger/batch.py", line 61, in predict
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
I trained the Single model and I found that the Ensemble model are located in the same folder. Is it this reason?
I trained the model with Ensemble
All training steps are OK.
But when I ran
python tagger.py test -ens -p ud1 -e test.txt -m model_ud1 -emb Embeddings/glove.txt
It shew the following error:
I trained the Single model and I found that the Ensemble model are located in the same folder. Is it this reason?