yanshouwang / bluetooth_low_energy

A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy.
MIT License
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MyCentralManager is not using TRANSPORT_LE when connecting from Android 5 #110

Open ekuleshov opened 3 days ago

ekuleshov commented 3 days ago

Bluetooth Module

Amazon Fire7 gen5 2015

What is your problem?

MyCentralManager is using a default BT transport (LE + 2.0) when Android platform is below 23 (e.g. Android 5)


That often leads to 133 issues if peripheral device supports both 2.0 and BLE link. I see a lot of that on some old Amazon Fire 7 devices running Android 5 and issue can't be worked around in the current version of the bluetooth_low_energy plugin.

To get around that pretty much all native Android BLE helper libraries are using reflection to call a hidden private method on BluetoothDevice class:


            // fall back to reflection for Android 5 to force TRANSPORT_LE
            try {
                Method method = device.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("connectGatt",
                        Context.class, Boolean.TYPE, BluetoothGattCallback.class, Integer.TYPE);
                btGatt = (BluetoothGatt) method.invoke(device, this, false, gattCallback, 2 /* BluetoothDevice.TRANSPORT_LE */);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                btGatt = device.connectGatt(this, false, gattCallback);
yanshouwang commented 20 hours ago

I don't know about this reflect method before, it's hard to find a Android 5 device for test.

I'm a little busy on another project these days. I'm happy to merge this fix if you can make a PR.