yanue / V2rayU

V2rayU,基于v2ray核心的mac版客户端,用于科学上网,使用swift编写,支持trojan,vmess,shadowsocks,socks5等服务协议,支持订阅, 支持二维码,剪贴板导入,手动配置,二维码分享等
18.95k stars 2.9k forks source link

启动v2rayU 无法使用 #1399

Open jason-kaiyi opened 9 months ago

jason-kaiyi commented 9 months ago

正在使用的 V2RayU 和 Mac 版本为 Mac版本 14.2.1 V2RayU版本4.1.0

发现只有PC机无法使用,在安卓手机端运行是正常没问题。 求各位大神帮忙看看,PC端哪里出问题了??

启动代理直接报错 报错代码如下: Xray 1.8.4 (Xray, Penetrates Everything.) Custom (go1.21.0 darwin/amd64) A unified platform for anti-censorship. 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] infra/conf/serial: Reading config: config.json 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] app/dns: DNS: created localhost client 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Warning] core: Xray 1.8.4 started 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:46 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:52 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:58 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:36:46 [Warning] [395152461] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:46 [Warning] [395152461] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2024/03/02 15:36:52 [Warning] [1649109973] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:52 [Warning] [1649109973] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2024/03/02 15:36:58 [Warning] [3978519566] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:58 [Warning] [3978519566] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe

crane168 commented 9 months ago

正在使用的 V2RayU 和 Mac 版本为 Mac版本 14.2.1 V2RayU版本4.1.0

发现只有PC机无法使用,在安卓手机端运行是正常没问题。 求各位大神帮忙看看,PC端哪里出问题了??

启动代理直接报错 报错代码如下: Xray 1.8.4 (Xray, Penetrates Everything.) Custom (go1.21.0 darwin/amd64) A unified platform for anti-censorship. 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] infra/conf/serial: Reading config: config.json 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] app/dns: DNS: created localhost client 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Warning] core: Xray 1.8.4 started 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:46 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:46 [Info] [395152461] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:52 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:52 [Info] [1649109973] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] proxy/http: request to Method [GET] Host [www.gstatic.com] with URL [http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204] 2024/03/02 15:31:58 accepted http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 [proxy] 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp: 2024/03/02 15:31:58 [Info] [3978519566] proxy/trojan: tunneling request to tcp:www.gstatic.com:80 via 2024/03/02 15:36:46 [Warning] [395152461] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:46 [Warning] [395152461] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2024/03/02 15:36:52 [Warning] [1649109973] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:52 [Warning] [1649109973] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2024/03/02 15:36:58 [Warning] [3978519566] proxy/http: failed to read response from www.gstatic.com > unexpected EOF 2024/03/02 15:36:58 [Warning] [3978519566] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > proxy/http: failed to write response > write tcp> write: broken pipe


jason-kaiyi commented 9 months ago


jiuqianyuan commented 7 months ago

不知道为什么,x86版本 v4.1.0好像刚装上就是上不去,然后瞎鼓捣一阵子又能上,不知道是哪方面存在问题