yanus171 / Handy-News-Reader

Handy News Reader is a light and modern Android feed reader, based on Flym News Reader
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The Labels. Explained #700

Open yanus171 opened 3 years ago

yanus171 commented 3 years ago

Few app releases later I had implemented a very usefull (from my point of view) feature, but I have got no feedback about it. I hope it's not because of its useless (from the users point of view), but due to the lack of its understanding. So I try to exlain with more details.

How much articles do You have in the Favorities section? I have got about a thousand from three years actively using HNR. And I spend much time every time I want find some insteresting article to read ... Its really impossible to find something in the such a favorities heap. So I decided to organize it. Using labels.

When using HNR, I mark an article as favorite, if:

So the labels help to organize favorities. Every point in previous list corresponds to a label, which I added in HNR.

So I spent nearly three days to mark all my favoritied articles ..... Half of them were deleted (removed from favorities). It was a bit hard. But it was worth it.

Again. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Several labels can be set to an article Another important notice: We can filter articles by seleral labels (condition type AND)

So by now I can easelly and quick can find the article I need now. For example

Some details.

Some thoughts. At first I considered favorities section to be just one of label, event thought about removing it from app. But I didnt invent what to do with swipe and star images Why not to use auto fetched #tags instead of manual labels? - The accuracy of #tags in many cases is very low and has a small sence to individual person.

Was it a bit clear now?

P.S. And also this issue has round number. I didn't do it on purpose :)

Ryuno-Ki commented 3 years ago


I haven't tried new features of HNR in a while. Largely because I observed, that Android struggles with larger datasets. Thus, marking articles as favourite is a reminder to me, to process this article further (i.e. put it on my website, comment on it or similar) and then remove the star, so it can be cleaned up.

Goran474 commented 3 years ago

Very nice new feature, labels, colours, thank you for developing and explaining it in detail. Still exploring all the ways to use it.

Observation: removing article from starred also remove labels which you explained here but removing labels remove article from starred too. Is this intended?

Suggestion: I don't keep very many starred articles, I use "share starred entries" to email. Please consider adding labels from HNR to article title in shared articles list also. Something like:

Article Title [label1][label2] article url

It may work quite well for users like me.

yanus171 commented 3 years ago

Remove article from starred too. That was the plan. I suppose the starred article should have at least one label.

What do you do later with emailed starred articles?

touwys commented 3 years ago

Like @Goran474, I too, want to thank the developer for posting his explanation to GitHub of how he himself applies the new Label feature, and his Favourites, in HNR. Initially, I was quite perplexed by the practicality of the Labels feature and therefore I did not utilize it. Each user probably applies the same app features in unique, and surprising ways, just like the developer explained he is doing. Evidently, the Labels feature could become a much sought-after and widely used feature of HNR.

These are my thoughts and comments about the Label and Favourites features in HNR:

  1. From his explanation at GitHub, it is evident that the developer is using Favourites inclined towards the long-term storage of articles, the content of which are then re-classified in conjunction with the newly developed Labels feature.

  2. I guess that other HNR users (e.g. @Goran474 ?) do not store their articles in their Favourites for such a long time. Likewise, I too store Favourites for a very short time only: I replace them many times daily — usually shortly after having read, or shared, or saved them — before I Unstar and replace them with a fresh batch of Favourites. Importantly, what we see is that different users have different goals for Favourites in mind.

  3. The way I see it, the advent of the new Labels feature has rendered the Favourites fundamentally superfluous. Why keep it at all, if the user can now just as easily create a Label called Favourites? Such a move should greatly simplify and streamline these operations. For instance, currently the Starring and Unstarring of Favourites and Labels seems to be uneccesarily complex. If the developer decides in favour of retaining Favourites in its current form, I suggest that he should consider separating/simplifying the Starring and Unstarring operations to the point where they are probably not interlinked with Labels (i.e. Starring and Unstarring Favourites and Labels word operate independently of each other).

4. Alternatively, please allow me the following proposal:

• Keep and expand the new Labels feature to the max. Not only is it an excellent idea, it is very practicable too.

• Drop the Favourites altogether, because it now appears to complicate some operations needlessly. To note: Favourites, if still needed by the user after its demise, can be readily replicated as a new Label.

• Consequently, continue to enhance the new Labels-system with a subset of very practical features, for example:

4.1 Sharing the content (multi-selection thereof) of any, or all of the Labels.

4.2 Open the content (multi-selection thereof) of a Label directly in the default internet Browser.

4.3 Reset to clear the content of selected, or all of the Labels, to make room for new articles.

4.4 Select all articles, or a multi-selection thereof, in any list of the articles in HNR to which the user want to put a Label.

4.5 Auto-alphanumerical sorting of the list of Labels in addition to the current manual sorting.

4.6 ...

Thank you.