yanwsh / videojs-panorama

a plugin for videojs run a full 360 degree panorama video.
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error: 'player.panorama is not a function' #109

Open sachinkaria opened 7 years ago

sachinkaria commented 7 years ago

I am receiving the error 'player.panorama is not a function' when using video.js and videojs-panorama with React.

My code is below:

import {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'
import videojs from 'video.js';
import panorama from 'videojs-panorama';

export default class VideoPlayer extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.displayName = 'VideoPlayer';
        this.player = null;

        var videoElement = this.refs.player;
        var isMobile = false;

        this.player = videojs(videoElement, {},  () => {
            window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
                let canvas = this.player.getChild('Canvas');
                if(canvas) canvas.handleResize();

        this.player.src({src: '/path/to/video/file', type: "video/mp4" });

        let width = videoElement.offsetWidth;
        let height = videoElement.offsetHeight;
        this.player.width(width), this.player.height(height);

        panorama(this.player, {
            clickToToggle: (!isMobile),
            autoMobileOrientation: true,
            initFov: 100,
            VREnable: isMobile,
            clickAndDrag: true

        // this.player.on("VRModeOn", function(){
        //     this.player.controlBar.fullscreenToggle.trigger("tap");
        // });


        return (
            <div className="panroama__video__player">
                <div className="panroama__video__player__wrapper">
                    <div className="panroama__video__player__container">
                        <video height="200px" width="600px" className="video-js vjs-default-skin" crossOrigin="anonymous" controls ref="player">
yanwsh commented 6 years ago

I couldn't find any issue, could you tell me which video.js do you use, video.js 6?

allan-walker commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm getting the same error in a react project (ES6).

I was using video.js v6, but I tried with v5.8: npm install video.js@5.8.0 and it didn't seem to change anything.

I installed this by running npm install videojs-panorama

I am not an expert at ES6 - any idea why this code (from videojs-panorama.common.js) doesn't accept panorama is a function?

var plugin_es6 = function (player, options) { return player.panorama(options); }; module.exports = plugin_es6;

I'm stuck - if there is any help you can give me to point me as to what you should expect to be happening I would love to look into this further

vuongtaquoc commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm getting the same error in a react project (ES6).

I was using video.js v6, but I tried with v5.8: npm install video.js@5.8.0 and it didn't seem to change anything.

I installed this by running npm install videojs-panorama

I am not an expert at ES6 - any idea why this code (from videojs-panorama.common.js) doesn't accept panorama is a function?

var plugin_es6 = function (player, options) { return player.panorama(options); }; module.exports = plugin_es6;

I'm stuck - if there is any help you can give me to point me as to what you should expect to be happening >I would love to look into this further

I'm getting the same error in a angular 2 project (typescript). Please help me @yanwsh

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Thanks all, this problem should be solved, please remove node_modules folder and npm install again.

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

I tested without problem, but let me know if you have any issues.

allan-walker commented 6 years ago

Thanks @yanwsh !

Will this work with the latest video.js version? Or will we need to use 5.8?

I'm just about to test it now, will let you know how it goes

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

It didn't matter. Should work on version. Let me know if it doesn't work.

allan-walker commented 6 years ago

Fantastic! This works.

Thanks so much

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

Hi, i just installed the latest version via npm and copied the code @sachinkaria posted... to use as a test to see if it works, but i get the following error: TypeError: player.panorama is not a function at plugin_es6 (videojs-panorama.common.js:1312)

what could it be? Using it in a cordova/vuejs combo using es6.

logged the player object, indeed no property panorama defined...

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Please go to node_modules/videojs-panorama/ and check package.json file, does peerDependencies exist in this file?

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

Hi! for some reason it kinda worked after uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin... but now i get a black screen and sound only because there is cross-origin data in the video... i get the following error: THREE.WebGLState: DOMException: Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': The video element contains cross-origin data, and may not be loaded.

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

as an answer to your question... yes peerDependencies is in the package.json

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Duplicate of #123

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

@yanwsh oke... what is the cause of the

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

No, video tag hide intentionally. The mean problem is cross domain. Make sure remote video has cross domain support.

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

oke... i understand... but i took the example video from a different issue... and i still get black screen and sound only and the following warning

WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: no video
texImage2D @ three.js:19631
uploadTexture @ three.js:18532
setTexture2D @ three.js:18182
setTexture2D @ three.js:22775
setValueT1 @ three.js:4507
WebGLUniforms.upload @ three.js:4826
setProgram @ three.js:22170
WebGLRenderer.renderBufferDirect @ three.js:20964
renderObject @ three.js:21722
renderObjects @ three.js:21695
WebGLRenderer.render @ three.js:21459
render @ videojs-panorama.common.js:702
animate @ videojs-panorama.common.js:520
3:1337/#/video-360/video:1 [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0x7f8fd8350000]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.
yanwsh commented 6 years ago

If you just want to test, download video and put it into your site folder, it should work.

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

so i did. i put it in local assets folder but the result is the same :/

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Email me your code, let me figure it out. yanwsh@gmail.com

Lenndev commented 6 years ago

sorry but i cant send my complete source... videoplayer component (vue.js)

    <transition name="dialog">
        <div class="videoplayerdialog-holder" v-show="getShowPlayer">
            <div class="videoplayerdialog-background" @click="quitVideo"></div>
            <div class="videoplayerdialog dialog">
                <div class="videoplayerdialog-content">
                    <div class="closebtn" @click="quitVideo">
                        <i class="fa fa-times"></i>
                    <video height="200px" width="600px" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" crossorigin="anonymous" controls id="vidplayer">

                <div class="videoplayerdialog-buttonbox">
                    <div class="videoplayerdialog-btn"
                    <div class="videoplayerdialog-btn" v-if="getPlayVideo == true"

    import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
    import three from 'three';
    import videojs from 'video.js';
    import panorama from 'videojs-panorama';

    export default {
        name: 'videoplayer',
        data() {
            return {
                player: null
        computed: {
            ...mapGetters('videoplayer', ['getShowPlayer', 'getPlayVideo', 'getSrc']),
            video() {
                return document.getElementById('vidplayer');
            playbtnlabel() {
                return this.getPlayVideo == true ? 'pause' : 'play';
        mounted() {
        methods: {
            initializePlayer() {
                let videoElement = this.video;
                this.player = videojs(videoElement, {}, (el) => {
                    window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
                        let canvas = this.player.getChild('Canvas');
                        if (canvas) canvas.handleResize();

//                this.player.src({ src: 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/218619461.hd.mp4?s=40287f720c78314a86f55dd8554a6dc4c323eb72&profile_id=119', type: "video/mp4" });
                this.player.src({ src: '/assets/video/test360.mp4', type: "video/mp4" });
                this.video.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');


                if(this.player && this.player.panorama && typeof this.player.panorama == 'function'){
                    console.log("panorama is existing property method within video ");
                    panorama(this.player, {
                        PanoramaThumbnail: true, //enable panorama thumbnail
                        autoMobileOrientation: true,
                        initFov: 100,
                        VREnable: true,
                        clickAndDrag: true,


                 this.player.on("VRModeOn", function(){
            quitVideo() {
            onPlayBtn() {
                if (this.getPlayVideo) {

                } else {
            onStopBtn() {



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ShawnOakley commented 6 years ago

Getting this error as well when running in storybook. It appears that the video.js plugin registry process used for this library has been deprecated so 'panorama' isn't being registered on the player.

ShawnOakley commented 6 years ago

For those running into this issue, it seems as if the panorama plugin is being registered on a separate import of video.js. (One which the react app does not appear to know about or have access to). I fixed this by taking videojs-panorama.common.js from the dist folder, putting it in my react app, and importing it locally. That way it is registering on the same videojs prototype that my app is using. Since it seems as if this project isn't being actively maintained, it isn't as if you'll be foregoing any code updates by doing this, so there's less downside than this solution would typically entail.

iubhatt17 commented 4 years ago

@yanwsh I am also facing this error in angular 7.I have tried to remove node_modules and then again done npm i but didn't get success.Kindly suggest some suggestions.Thank you.

qinjiawang commented 4 years ago

image I am also facing this error ,i npm install again,it does not work

willmontiel commented 3 years ago

Hey man @yanwsh I'm having the same issue "player.panorama is not a function", do you know how to solve this? Or this plugin will not work with videojs 7. Thanks!. I'm using react!

vnext-nguyen-quyen commented 2 years ago

Hi @yanwsh Tks for great library play video 360.

I'm having issue that "player.panorama is not a function" on videojs 7. Is that plugin not support on videojs 7?

Thanks & BRS

ssc197 commented 1 year ago

Hi @yanwsh, Which version of videojs does it support, because I am using the latest version of videojs, it's giving me an error: player.panorama is not a function