yanwsh / videojs-panorama

a plugin for videojs run a full 360 degree panorama video.
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how can i use the hotspot functions of videojs-panorama? #117

Open ssalbal opened 6 years ago

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

Can i use hotspot text and image. Panorama HotSpot Support description. How can i use the hotspot function.?

yanwsh commented 6 years ago


Here are the example code, please download beta version here. You can use both image and text,

For image, please parse dom to element.


 element:  document.getElementById("hotspot")
 Markers: [
                    location: {
                        lat: 0,
                        lon: 180
                    radius: 500,
                    element: "This is text 1 with long text"
                    location: {
                        lat: 20,
                        lon: 160
                    radius: 500,
                    element: "This is text 2 with long text",
                    onShow: function(){
                        console.log("text 2 is shown");
                    onHide: function(){
                        console.log("text 2 is hidden");
ssalbal commented 6 years ago

hotspot does not same to Markers. could you more detail example code?

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Could you explain how does it looks like?

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

I just insert element & Markers to player.panorama options like below code. But, no text find on the video. I have to write more html5 hotspot code?

        clickToToggle: (!isMobile()),

        clickAndDrag: true,
        autoMobileOrientation: true,

        initFov: 100,  
        VREnable: isMobile(),

        NoticeMessage: (isMobile())? "please drag and drop the video" : "please mouse drag and drop the video",
        autoHideNotice: 3000, 

        element:  document.getElementById("hotspot"),
        Markers: [
                location: {
                    lat: 0,
                    lon: 180
                radius: 500,
                element: "This is text 1 with long text"
                location: {
                    lat: 20,
                    lon: 160
                radius: 500,
                element: "This is text 2 with long text",
                onShow: function(){
                    console.log("text 2 is shown");
                onHide: function(){
                    console.log("text 2 is hidden");
yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Does it showing any console error?

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

Yes. thereis no console error.

Just Got Warning Console log. VIDEOJS: WARN: videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead.

assets/shark.mp4 panorama view well.

I'm using video.js ( Ver. 6.2.1) / three.js (Ver r75) / videojs-panorama.v5.js (Ver 1.0.0-beta)

Also tested with video.js(Ver 5.20.1). the result same - no hotspot text. no console error.

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

Also I'm using O.S - Windows 7 , Browser - Chrome (Ver 59.0.3071.115)

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Could you send me your project files or send me a demo, so i can figure out what's wrong.

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

yes. demo link here

It's just some modified index.html of videojs-panorama original file.

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

Hey, looks like you are not use beta version. Only beta version support hotspot right now. Please download code here.

ssalbal commented 6 years ago

it's my mistaken.. it is well display text hotspot with beta version. could you let me know, how to control hotspot "text size" "text color" and display image with text. also can i use clickable image with url link?

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

If you right click and open console, you can see all the text showing on video is html dom, so you can add css code to change it.

            white-space: normal;
            width: 100px;
            font-size: 2em;
ssalbal commented 6 years ago

it was really big helpness to me. thanks to your help.

Vishnuvarth commented 6 years ago

Can you provide any example of working with image hotspot...!