yanwsh / videojs-panorama

a plugin for videojs run a full 360 degree panorama video.
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Poor video quality #125

Open vuongtaquoc opened 6 years ago

vuongtaquoc commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am using videojs-panorama 0.1.6 for my live streaming app. My network quality is very good. I tried only use videojs (without videojs-panorama), video quality is very good. But when I use videojs-panorama, video quality is rather poor. I don't know why. I am thinking maybe it was videojs-panorama re-rendering? If so, how to disable re-rendering?

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

hey, are you use safari and the video size is very small?

vuongtaquoc commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am using Chrome (windows 10). At publish video source, I am setting resolution: 1280x720 and using camera 360 (Theta Ricoh s). At subscriber video source, I am using videojs-panorama to view 360 with full screen mode. 1 2

yanwsh commented 6 years ago

is it possible to increase resolution? 1280x720 is insufficient to render 360 video. Try 1920x1080 or higher.

vuongtaquoc commented 6 years ago

I am sorry. But I am using Opentok to live stream. Opentok only support max resolution 1280x720 :(

bradisbell commented 6 years ago

You're likely running into a lack of CPU, which will cause Chrome to crank the resolution down.