yanwsh / videojs-panorama

a plugin for videojs run a full 360 degree panorama video.
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Ios 10 support comming soon? #19

Closed KevinBorghmans closed 7 years ago

KevinBorghmans commented 7 years ago

Hey is there a IOS 10 support comming soon. I tested the video on IOS 10 it works but it runs jagged. could there be a fix or something to resolve this ?

-Thanks for the work already because it works perfect for the rest of the browsers that i need to use !

yanwsh commented 7 years ago

Hey, did you view 360 video on cellular network? It's a known issue that its run jagged because of the big video.

KevinBorghmans commented 7 years ago

Yes but also on Wifi. The video itself is 233MB for like 30m of video time. So that is ok I compressed it but kept a good quality.

The thing is I tested it on multiple devices so on web browsers, IOS 9 and multiple android devices. Only a IOS 10 device is running the video jagged. The rest run silky smooth, so I don't know what i could do to fix it.

zang commented 7 years ago

It seems work fine for me on ios.

yanwsh commented 7 years ago

Hello, @KevinBorghmans , could you send your video file to me?

I think i found the issue and need to test it.

KevinBorghmans commented 7 years ago

@yanwsh heya Yanwsh, i think its fixed i have the latest update now from apple the 10.1.1 and it works now it was probebly on the IOS part, Thanks for the help and looking into this problem!

yanwsh commented 7 years ago

@KevinBorghmans cool, please update the latest version of this plugin. IOS 10 support play video inline directly. https://webkit.org/blog/6784/new-video-policies-for-ios/