yanyachen / rBayesianOptimization

Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters
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hello is it possible to use bayesianoptimization at h2o.deeplearning?? #38

Open sungreong opened 5 years ago

sungreong commented 5 years ago

hi i want to use bayesianoptimization in h2o.deeplearning. so i try this code. `initial_weight_distribution = c("UniformAdaptive","Uniform", "Normal") loss = c("Automatic", "CrossEntropy", "Huber" , "Absolute" , "Quadratic") activation = c("RectifierWithDropout" , "MaxoutWithDropout" ,"TanhWithDropout") acq <- c("ucb" , "ei" , "poi") library(rlist)


for ( init in initial_weight_distribution){ for (loss_1 in loss){ for( act in activation){ for (acq_1 in acq){ print(paste("-----",init ,loss_1 , act , acq_1,"-----",sep="-")) aa <- tryCatch( select(h2o_bayes , parameter) , error = function(e){ list(print(e)) } ) time <- Sys.time() file_name <- paste(substr(time,3,4),substr(time,6,7),substr(time,9,10),substr(time,12,13) ,init ,loss_1 , act , acq1, sep="") list.save(aa , file = paste0("./loop_para/",file_name,".rds") ) print("==============================") } } } }`

but An error occurs in the middle. " <simpleError: DistributedException from localhost/ '> "

thanks :)