yao8839836 / text_gcn

Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification. AAAI 2019
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The model of SWEM、LEAM、Graph-CNN-C、Graph-CNN-S、Graph-CNN-F? #38

Open NLPOR opened 5 years ago

NLPOR commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have read the paper and browsed the code. and i can reproduce the result of txtgcn. But I also want to reproduce the result of SWEM、LEAM、Graph-CNN-C、Graph-CNN-S、Graph-CNN-F, i can't find the code of them in this repository, could you please share it again with me. Thanks !

yao8839836 commented 5 years ago


Hi, I used open source code for these models:

SWEM: https://github.com/dinghanshen/SWEM

LEAM: https://github.com/guoyinwang/LEAM

Graph-CNN: https://github.com/SuyashLakhotia/TextCategorization

You can choose different filters for Graph CNN in 35th line of https://github.com/SuyashLakhotia/TextCategorization/blob/master/graph_cnn_train.py