yaobaiwei / GMiner

An efficient large-scale graph mining framework.
Apache License 2.0
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loadFileSystems error #8

Open gr-sheryl opened 1 year ago

gr-sheryl commented 1 year ago

hi, when I run this command, I get an error as below:

mpiexec -n 1 $GMINER_HOME/release/put /root/GMiner/sample-datasets/normal_sample.adj /hdfs/dataset/

loadFileSystems error: (unable to get stack trace for java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception: ExceptionUtils::getStackTrace error.) hdfsBuilderConnect(forceNewInstance=0, nn=master, port=9000, kerbTicketCachePath=(NULL), userName=(NULL)) error: (unable to get stack trace for java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception: ExceptionUtils::getStackTrace error.) Failed to connect to HDFS! Attempting to use an MPI routine before initializing MPICH

My hadoop version is 2.7.5. When I use hadoop fs -put, it can upload successfully. Could you please help me to figure out what's wrong? Thanks for your help.

jeongminpark417 commented 8 months ago

I am getting the same issue. Did you resolve this problem?