yaochenzhu / MMDQEN

Multimodal deep quality embedding network (MMDQEN) for affective video content analysis. (MM'19, TAFFC'20)
MIT License
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A question about the paper? #1

Open NJU-cy opened 3 years ago

NJU-cy commented 3 years ago

Hi yaochen, thank you for your inspiring work. When I read the paper, I notice that the deduction w.r.t to the ELBO, which is claimed to be in the appendix, is missing from the preprints. I'm interested in the deduction, as the deduction is also not provided in original QEN paper (which I don't think is self-evident). So, could you provide a link to the deductions? Thanks.

yaochenzhu commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your interest in our work. Actually, TAFFC asked us to submit the appendix as a seperate file when uploading the final version, but idk why the appendix is not on the Xplore. We upload a full version of the paper with appendix at research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342373341_Affective_Video_Content_Analysis_via_Multimodal_Deep_Quality_Embedding_Network, which I hope could fix the problem temporarily! Best regards!

NJU-cy commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply ~