yaohunzhanyue / collcetion

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gera2ld/coc-markmap: Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps with Markmap #36

Open yaohunzhanyue opened 4 years ago

yaohunzhanyue commented 4 years ago


Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps with Markmap.

This is an extension for coc.nvim.

If you prefer a CLI version, see markmap-cli.

Note: coc-markmap allows generating markmaps from current buffer or selected text, while the CLI version can only create markmaps from Markdown files.


First, make sure coc.nvim is started.

Then install with the Vim command:

:CocInstall coc-markmap


Open a Markdown, and execute:

:CocCommand markmap.create

An HTML file with the same basename as the Markdown file will be created and opened in your default browser.

Visualization of selected text is also supported.


Key mappings

There is no default key mapping, but you can easily add your own:

" Create markmap from the whole file
nmap <Leader>m <Plug>(coc-markmap-create)
" Create markmap from the selected lines
vmap <Leader>m <Plug>(coc-markmap-create-v)


It is also possible to add a command to create markmaps.

command! -range=% Markmap CocCommand markmap.create <line1> <line2>

Now you have the :Markmap command to create a Markmap, either from the whole file or selected lines.
