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gera2ld/vim-reveal: vim plugin that use markdown and reveal.js to generate presentations. #38

Open yaohunzhanyue opened 4 years ago

yaohunzhanyue commented 4 years ago


vim plugin that use markdown and reveal.js to generate presentations.

This plugin is based on blindFS/vim-reveal with the following features:


Vim configuration

let g:reveal_config = {
    \'root_path': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/reveal.js',
    \'key1': 'value1',
    \'key2': 'value2',
    \ ...}                                     " Default options for reveal.js.


Besides default markdown syntax, you need something else to specify the sections each of which will take care of a single page in the final presentation. And you need something to customize the reveal.js options.

<!--Meta key1:value1 key2:value2 [...]--> // Options,these lines should be in the head of the file.

Generate the html file

Use the :RevealIt command to generate the html file.