yaojin17 / Unlearning_LLM

[ACL 2024] Code and data for "Machine Unlearning of Pre-trained Large Language Models"
MIT License
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The new version of Pytorch needs to specify the tensor location #7

Open qzc438 opened 1 month ago

qzc438 commented 1 month ago

As the title described, please also review the attached error information. RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices (when checking argument for argument index in method wrapper_CUDA__index_select)

yaojin17 commented 3 weeks ago

Apologies for the late response. Has the issue been resolved? I'm using torch==2.1.2+cu118on my end.

qzc438 commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry, I still cannot resolve this issue.

yaojin17 commented 3 weeks ago
name: base
  - conda-forge
  - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main
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  - pip:
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      - stanford-stk==0.0.6
      - starlette==0.32.0.post1
      - sympy==1.11.1
      - tabledata==1.3.3
      - tcolorpy==0.1.4
      - tensorboard==2.13.0
      - tensorboard-data-server==0.7.0
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      - threadpoolctl==3.2.0
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      - tokenizers==0.15.2
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      - torch==2.1.2+cu118
      - torchaudio==2.0.1+cu118
      - torchvision==0.15.1+cu118
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      - xformers==0.0.23.post1+cu118
      - xxhash==3.4.1
      - yarl==1.9.4
      - zhconv==1.4.3
prefix: /root/miniconda3

Could you try this environment setup? It's the exact environment I used for my experiments.