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@import #134

Open yaoningvital opened 5 years ago

yaoningvital commented 5 years ago


The @import CSS at-rule is used to import style rules from other style sheets. These rules must precede all other types of rules, except @charset rules; as it is not a nested statement, @import cannot be used inside conditional group at-rules.

@import url("fineprint.css") print;
@import url("bluish.css") speech;
@import 'custom.css';
@import url("chrome://communicator/skin/");
@import "common.css" screen;
@import url('landscape.css') screen and (orientation:landscape);

So that user agents can avoid retrieving resources for unsupported media types, authors may specify media-dependent @import rules. These conditional imports specify comma-separated media queries after the URL. In the absence of any media query, the import is unconditional. Specifying all for the medium has the same effect.

1. Syntax

@import url;
@import url list-of-media-queries;



Is a <string> or a <url> representing the location of the resource to import. The URL may be absolute or relative. Note that the URL for a Mozilla package need not actually specify a file; it can just specify the package name and part, and the appropriate file is chosen automatically (e.g. chrome://communicator/skin/).


Is a comma-separated list of media queries conditioning the application of the CSS rules defined in the linked URL. If the browser does not support any these queries, it does not load the linked resource.