yaoweibin / nginx_ajp_module

support AJP protocol proxy with Nginx
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in https request the is_ssl bit of ajp3 AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST is set wrong #17

Closed baux80 closed 11 years ago

baux80 commented 11 years ago

The is_ssl bit seems to be setted too late in ngx_http_ajc.c, so for ajp server the is_ssl is off and the wrong protocol is used. Follow a patch which fix the problem.

In ChangeLog you could add: Maurizio Boriani baux@gnu.org for Zucchetti S.p.A.

> #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL)
>     is_ssl = r->http_connection->ssl;
> #endif
< #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL)
<     is_ssl = r->http_connection->ssl;
< #endif

yaoweibin commented 11 years ago

Thank you. This bug has been fixed in this commit: https://github.com/yaoweibin/nginx_ajp_module/commit/a0be7edf44a54547356545abbf7cb94278df6e78