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YaPB Graph Database
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Some waypoints have problems #69

Open Jockey731 opened 1 year ago

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

I don't understand why many people have changed the name of the original map, resulting in many wrong waypoints. Including de dust2 2008 Original name of map de_dust2_gumis_v06 or de_dust2_gumis_v08 is a long time ago, I forgot And de_dust_b The original version is a revision of Desert 2 made in 2004. Why was the map name changed again, leading to the wrong waypoint And de_aztec2003 and The waypoint of de_aztec2003x is also wrong. The current de_aztec2003 waypoint is Waypoint of de_aztec2003x. Because the map name was changed, Sorry, I can't provide the original pwf waypoint due to its long history And The waypoint of de_dust2003 is also wrong Sometimes the map download provided by gamebanana and 17buddies is maliciously modified maps name HTTP here provides download of original map package, It does not include all map downloads, only maps before 2008 http://cs15.noip.cn:29010/CoVerT_WsR_Maps.7z All Maps HTTP main download link http://cs15.noip.cn:29010/ or http://cs15.noip.cn:29010/maps/

Drevny13 commented 1 year ago

graph waypoints are easily renamed, unlike pwf files when renaming does not help no problem to copy and load the paths again i think most people use banana and 17

as I understand it now in the database ways in database------------ what should it be de dust2 2008 ----------de_dust2_gumis_v06 or de_dust2_gumis_v08 de_aztec2003 -----------de_aztec2003x de_dust2003--------------- ?

Drevny13 commented 1 year ago

done de_aztec2003x

Drevny13 commented 1 year ago

I also wanted to say that most of the ways in the database are made on a C on a five-point scale, most of them are generally just through an autowaypoint, with hundreds of errors and without camper and tactical points. On average 300-400 points out of the maximum possible 2048. I usually do it on a dust size maps about 900 points. Therefore, if you want high-quality bots, either redo them yourself or make here request

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

I also found that de_inferno2 waypoint is also wrong, resulting in all bots concentrated at the birth point The waypoint of the modified version of de_inferno2se is correct, but the waypoint of the original version de_inferno2 is wrong

Drevny13 commented 1 year ago

ok i will look later

Vladislav4KZ commented 1 year ago

I also found that de_inferno2 waypoint is also wrong, resulting in all bots concentrated at the birth point

Because it was made for a different version of the map.

I found it on this webpage: https://files.cs-best.org.ua/?do=download&filename=de_inferno2

For some reason, each download server has a different version of this map.

The graph that is in the database was made for the de_inferno2 map, which is downloaded from a server located in the Russian Federation.

Vladislav4KZ commented 1 year ago

I don’t know what to do with such maps.

If I replace the graph in database which is made for a different version of the map, then another person may come here and also say that the graph was made incorrectly for a different version of the map that he is using.

But anyway anyone can attach a graph here for the version of the map for which it was requested.

Drevny13 commented 1 year ago

maybe it is possible to do a hash calculation not only name of map? Or with size in kilobytes?

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

Well, it's my first time to see de Inferno2 map is from 2007, and its modified version was also completed before 2008, called de inferno2se I hope the administrator can repair as soon as possibl de_dust2003 and de_aztec2003 and de_dust2_2008 Waypoint Issues

PRinceBhai commented 1 year ago

@Jockey731 Do you still have maps request? If so then please post them here, if not then you should close your Issues, we've made waypoints for almost all of your maps.

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

@PRinceBhai I still have some maps that I need you to help me make waypoints. Please help me make them when you are free. Thank you very much for all the waypoints you have done for me. thank you

de_just de_aztec_hruk de_Uliayna de_labz de_retrostation de_dust2_Buildings de_redust de_dust_old de_olddust_2k1 de_gwned de_clanwar11 de_clanwar11_b de_dust2_gow_beta de_aztec_2003 de_dust2_custom de_dust2[EM] de_dust2_ownage de_dust2_rby de_dust2_rbyv2 de_italy_bz de_dust2_snow_dj! de_dustnoel_beta1 de_dust2_David de_dune2 de_eclipse_cz_b2 de_desert_city de_dust2_hivers de_aztec_hivers de_dust2_mnh de_sks_concrete2 de_upd_tuscan de_stoney de_ng_tuscan

PRinceBhai commented 1 year ago

@Jockey731 Done.

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

@PRinceBhai Thank you. Why are these map waypoints missing Other de_redust waypoint There is a problem with the , and the BOT is all concentrated in the original location de_aztec_hruk de_clanwar11_b de_dust2_rbyv2 de_dust2_snow_dj! de_dust2_mnh

Include previous requests de_driver2k de_dust_suncsm de_aztec_magmas de_dust2_magmas de_noel-d2_magmas de_noel_dust-magmas_b1

PRinceBhai commented 1 year ago

de_redust is uploaded, you need to delete the one in your CS copy's graph folder to get the new one to download from the repo, they don't automatically update.

Forgot about aztec_hruk clanwar11 was done so you can copy paste it for 11_b same for rby snow_dj! is just dust2 with the stone texture replaced with the "missing texture" from source engine for some reason, so I didn't waste my time on it. mnh is just dust2 without vrad (Lightmaps) so you can probably copy paste it for that too. Didn't really try on these maps as they're low effort copies of existing maps than no one plays.

Also forgot about driver2k The rest of the maps I was not able to download because 17buddies was down at that time. I'll get them done some time later.

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

OK, can you make these two maps de_trace https://gamebanana.com/mods/85243 de_omen https://gamebanana.com/mods/85548

PRinceBhai commented 1 year ago

@Jockey731 Done,

Copy paste either de_aztec or de_aztec_cz for `de_aztec_hruk".

de_driver2k does not have a hostage rescue entity so the graph cannot be made.

de_noel-d2_magmas is not found anywhere except your FastDL and a site called "en.ds-servers.com" I tried both of the maps but they get stuck at loading. Plus it's also missing a lot of it's files like custom skybox and sounds.

Rest of the maps are done now.

Jockey731 commented 1 year ago

@PRinceBhai de_driver2k https://www.17buddies.rocks/17b2/View/Map/2858/de_driver2k.html de_noel-d2_magmas https://www.17buddies.rocks/17b2/View/Map/75739/de_noel-d2_magmas.html