yappo / p5-mousex-types

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Please migrate module from using deprecated Any:Moose to Moo #5

Open Corin-EU opened 7 years ago

Corin-EU commented 7 years ago

MouseX::Types requires: Any::Moose: 0.15

Any::Moose has been deprecated since February 2013 (over FOUR years ago at the time of writing).

Please migrate MouseX::Types to use Moo instead.

From the MetaCPAN page for Any::Moose at https://metacpan.org/pod/Any::Moose


日本語翻訳: http://blog.64p.org/entry/2013/02/06/094906

Please use Moo instead of Any::Moose for new code.

Moo classes and roles will transparently and correctly upgrade to Moose when needed. This is a fundamentally better design than what Any::Moose offers. Mouse metaclasses do not interact with Moose metaclasses which leaks abstractions all over the place.

Any::Moose had a good run. It was a simplistic but expedient answer for getting Moose syntax on the cheap but with the transparent upgrade path to Moose when you needed it. But really, please don't use it any more. :)

You may find MooX::late useful for porting your code from Any::Moose to Moo.

intrigeri commented 4 years ago

This was also reported to CPAN RT in 2015: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=104943.

I understand that solving this issue boils down to removing MouseX::Types::Moose and the corresponding tests, so it looks like a social decision to make rather than a difficult technical problem. Is this correct?

Would you be amenable to dropping Any::Moose support?