yapzhenyie / GadgetsMenu

Feature-rich cosmetics plugin that provide players with the most powerful features.
63 stars 24 forks source link

Just some questions about features #750

Open tomkeuper opened 4 years ago

tomkeuper commented 4 years ago

I test the plugin on the test server and I got some questions:

Is it possible that the rocket model could be a bit more advanced? Like this for example: http://prntscr.com/rt7hzr Or add it as like a large rocket, so you have a small and a large rocket you can unlock. And i noticed there is no wither morph or pet, this could also be a nice creature to have. Same for the ender dragon, but idk if this is already a feature but you should be able to toggle them in the config or something.

yapzhenyie commented 4 years ago

The advance rocket is a good idea, will consider to add in the future. I tried to add wither pet before but I found some small issue so I have remove it. For ender dragon pet, I think that this pet would bring a small pressure for the server, so no.

tomkeuper commented 4 years ago

I want to switch to this plugin, but is there an option to add death effects and arrow trails? I can provide a lot of examples if you want. Just hit me up on discord Mr. Ceasar#0001

yapzhenyie commented 4 years ago

I'm not really want to add these cosmetics as these effects only trigger when you're playing minigames. GadgetsMenu is a hub cosmetics plugin and you might not die in hub, and not be able to use bow too.