yapzhenyie / GadgetsMenu

Feature-rich cosmetics plugin that provide players with the most powerful features.
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Mystery boxes expiring #887

Closed elaineandsparky closed 2 years ago

elaineandsparky commented 2 years ago

Our players are given mystery boxes in kits through console commands. These boxes are expiring despite no expiry date in the configs from what I can find (premium version)

Types: Normal-Mystery-Box: Name: '&aUnicorn Box' Material: ENDER_CHEST Lore: Expiry-Date: '&cExpires in {EXPIRY_DATE}' Never-Expired: '&7This has no expiration date.' Quality: One-Star:


yapzhenyie commented 2 years ago

The expiry date of the mystery box is configure in the command. Please check this https://github.com/yapzhenyie/GadgetsMenu/wiki/Commands#gmysteryboxes-give-player-amount-quality-ex7hdmfalse-reqpermfalse-cqualitychances

elaineandsparky commented 2 years ago

is that new? as i never had to do this on another server I owned and don't recall having this problem. Is it possible to have it set in configs as this isn't very user friendly. like have it set to no expiry by default rather than a week by default if you don't set an expiry

yapzhenyie commented 2 years ago

By default, mystery box will have 7 days of expiry date and there is no way to change the default value in config file. The only way to do that is add a parameter in the command when you give player mystery boxes.