yar229 / WebDavMailRuCloud

WebDAV cloud.mail.ru ...& Yandex.Disk | WebDAV Облако Mail.Ru Сетевой Диск
MIT License
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[not-a-bug] Autostart in Linux #214

Open castorsky opened 3 years ago

castorsky commented 3 years ago

All major distros are now based on systemd and users can create their own services which start on user logon. Assume that mono is already installed and mono-version is unpacked to /home/${USER}/.local/bin/webdav/ directory. User have to create systemd directory

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user

Then place there wrappermailru.service file with following content

Description=WedDAV Mail.ru wrapper service

ExecStart=mono /home/${USER}/.local/bin/webdav/wdmrc.exe -p 9092 --maxthreads 8


Reload systed config:

systemctl --user daemon-reload

And finally enable service:

systemctl --user enable --now wrappermailru.service
yar229 commented 3 years ago
Description=WedDAV Mail.ru wrapper service
castorsky commented 3 years ago

Thanks, updated.