yar229 / WebDavMailRuCloud

WebDAV cloud.mail.ru ...& Yandex.Disk | WebDAV Облако Mail.Ru Сетевой Диск
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Big file upload #36

Closed pasha-zzz closed 7 years ago

pasha-zzz commented 7 years ago

If I upload file bigger than permitted by mail.ru (via NetBox) - uploading speeds up after some seconds to very high speeds (500-600 Mbit/s on 100 Mbps internet) and no file in cloud after this. Tests show us real max size of uploaded file: "2147483456 bytes - file name in UTF-8 size in bytes" Name only w/o folders names.

C-A-T9LIFE commented 7 years ago

If you have paid account - you can remove 2Gb filesize limitation using --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17/TCWFX(x64)"

pasha-zzz commented 7 years ago

I dont want remove limitation. I want get error if file isnt fits.

yar229 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting! fixed #38 release 1.0.158

yar229 commented 7 years ago

Some strange thing happen.

Windows webdav client do the same things, Bitkinex works ok. I really dunno what a hell and what to do with that...

pasha-zzz commented 7 years ago

Posted to NetBox plugin discussion thread - http://forum.farmanager.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6317&p=141933#p141933

yar229 commented 7 years ago

Fixed some errors, but - It's windows webdav client normal behavior (for example, it happens so when you connect Yandex.Disk as drive) Do not use cloud as windows drive :(