yarden / MISO

MISO: Mixture of Isoforms model for RNA-Seq isoform quantitation
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Queries related to Bayes factor, Exon Co-ordinates #126

Open sarath-omics opened 6 years ago

sarath-omics commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am using MISO for my research project, I have a few queries which I would like to clarify from you.

Q1. For few isoforms, the Bayes factor values are extremely higher which is unpredictable as shown below: 1000000000000.0, 5861740840.46 173275576.73 311461307315.47

What do these values represent? And, please tell me if this is due to any glitches while processing the file.

Q2. For the isoform events of Skipped Exon and Mutually Exclusive Exon, the exon coordinates present in the negative strand have greater END position compared to its START position. Whereas, for the isoforms obtained from A3SS, A5SS, RI events the exon coordinates in the negative strand have START position which is greater than END position like shown below.

A5SS Event Isoform: (START Pos > END Pos) chr1:154562885:154562660|154562738:- @chr1:154562233:154562404:-

Skipped Exon: (START Pos < END Pos) chr6:30654891:30655093:-@chr6:30652185:30652321:-@chr6:30646956:30647166:-

Please make me understand why the exonic position formats for negative strand alone differs between these Isoform events.
