yaricom / goNEAT

The GOLang implementation of NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies (NEAT) method to evolve and train Artificial Neural Networks without error back propagation
MIT License
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How to set up start genomes? #61

Open simon-winter opened 9 months ago

simon-winter commented 9 months ago

Hi, The library looks really nice, but sadly it's missing a more idiot-proof type of documentation. The executor and single pole example files were helpful in setting up something, but still contain tons of stuff which are not so well documented. Especially, setting up some custom own project is kinda hard. The simplicity of the linked blog post: (https://maori.geek.nz/learning-to-play-asteroids-in-golang-with-neat-f44c3472938f) is quite nice to understand things better, but it completely skips the part where you actually set up the project with start genome etc. A really nice thing would be a minimal, complete example on how to setup everything for a random problem like the asteroids game. so concrete question: