This logic for word wrapping the power could be used to word wrap multi line names. Here's that code.
var words = cardData.powerDesc.split(" ");
var i = 0;
var currentLine = 0;
var linesNeeded = Math.ceil(cardData.powerDesc.length / 45);
var lines = []; // An array to hold each line once it's been built.
console.log("# of lines needed =", linesNeeded);
lines[currentLine] = "";
// And now we build.
console.log("Buildin' them power lines!");
for(var i=0;i < words.length; i++) {
var currentWord = words[i];
var charsInDesc = lines[currentLine].length; //We need to know the length of the line currently being built.
var charsInWord = currentWord.length; // And the length of the next word, in advance.
var totalChars;
if (currentLine == 0) { // Need a special case for the first line because it includes the title.
totalChars = charsInWord + charsInTitle + charsInDesc;
} else {
totalChars = charsInWord + charsInDesc;
if(totalChars <= 45) {
lines[currentLine] = lines[currentLine] + " " + currentWord;
} else {
lines[currentLine] = currentWord ;
This logic for word wrapping the power could be used to word wrap multi line names. Here's that code.
var words = cardData.powerDesc.split(" "); var i = 0; var currentLine = 0; var linesNeeded = Math.ceil(cardData.powerDesc.length / 45); var lines = []; // An array to hold each line once it's been built. console.log("# of lines needed =", linesNeeded); lines[currentLine] = "";