yarnpkg / berry

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[Feature] add less verbose output #816

Closed syabro closed 4 years ago

syabro commented 4 years ago

I don't like 100 YN0013 messages with can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry

Can it be hidden somehow by default?

arcanis commented 4 years ago

At the moment no, but part of the code system is also designed with filtering in mind. For example something like this:

  - YN0013

It shouldn't be a lot of work - just a configuration setting to add in Configuration.ts and the filtering itself to implement in StreamReport.ts. Do you want to give it a try?

larixer commented 4 years ago

I have one idea for you to consider about output UX. If there are many repetitive messages we can show progress indicator. But if there are say less than 5 repetitive messages, we can actually show them - imagine the situation when you want to troubleshoot one package fetching, - you might be interested in yarn decisions about it, but if there are not too many of them

arcanis commented 4 years ago

We could extend the mechanism we use for the progress bar to only show the last N lines, true. My main issue with that is that practically speaking, it'll be only really used for fetch I think. Other messages are important to show 🤔

larixer commented 4 years ago

Not last N lines. All lines, but if the number of lines does not exceed N, otherwise only show progress indicator. The rationale is that last N lines might be random and not interesting. So if there are too many lines show only progress indicator. If there are very few lines - show them without progress indicator.

syabro commented 4 years ago

Guys, what's the point of showing 100500 same lines? Separate lines make sense if user wants to press CTRL+C to avoid unexpected behavior.

Is it a case for yarn?

Maybe use one line for text message and show the packages joined instead of one-line-per package?

➤ YN0013: │ These packages were not found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │   array-flatten@npm:1.1.1 accepts@npm:1.3.7 body-parser@npm:1.19.0 bytes@npm:3.0.0 bytes@npm:3.1.0 compression@npm:1.7.4
➤ YN0013: │   confetti-js@npm:0.0.15 compressible@npm:2.0.18 content-disposition@npm:0.5.3 content-type@npm:1.0.4 cookie-signature@npm:1.0.6
➤ YN0013: │   cookie@npm:0.4.0 cors@npm:2.8.5 debug@npm:2.6.9 depd@npm:1.1.2 destroy@npm:1.0.4 ee-first@npm:1.1.1 encodeurl@npm:1.0.2
➤ YN0013: │   escape-html@npm:1.0.3 etag@npm:1.8.1 express@npm:4.17.1 finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 forwarded@npm:0.1.2 fresh@npm:0.5.2 http-errors@npm:1.7.2
➤ YN0013: │   http-errors@npm:1.7.3 iconv-lite@npm:0.4.24 inherits@npm:2.0.3 inherits@npm:2.0.4 ipaddr.js@npm:1.9.0 media-typer@npm:0.3.0
➤ YN0013: │   merge-descriptors@npm:1.0.1 methods@npm:1.1.2 mime-db@npm:1.43.0 mime-types@npm:2.1.26 mime@npm:1.6.0 ms@npm:2.0.0
➤ YN0013: │   ms@npm:2.1.1 negotiator@npm:0.6.2 object-assign@npm:4.1.1 on-finished@npm:2.3.0 on-headers@npm:1.0.2 parseurl@npm:1.3.3
➤ YN0013: │   path-to-regexp@npm:0.1.7 proxy-addr@npm:2.0.5 qs@npm:6.7.0 range-parser@npm:1.2.1 raw-body@npm:2.4.0 safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2
➤ YN0013: │   safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 send@npm:0.17.1 serve-static@npm:1.14.1 setprototypeof@npm:1.1.1 statuses@npm:1.5.0 toidentifier@npm:1.0.0
➤ YN0013: │   type-is@npm:1.6.18 unpipe@npm:1.0.0 utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 vary@npm:1.1.2
syabro commented 4 years ago

But if there are say less than 5 repetitive messages, we can actually show them - imagine the situation when you want to troubleshoot one package fetching

Too complicated and why five or not ten or twenty? Maybe

  1. Hide all fetching stuff with progress indicator
  2. Add --verbose-fetch option to show text?
devoto13 commented 4 years ago

Was https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/pull/914 reverted? Or is it a regression? I'm getting around 7K of YN0013 messages using Yarn 2.1.1.

arcanis commented 4 years ago

Not reverted, and we don't have a regression as far as I'm aware. Feel free to open an issue with the relevant info (including screenshots, and potentially investigating yourself why would the logs be printed) if you believe this comes from Yarn.

devoto13 commented 4 years ago

I'm observing this on CI, which does not allocate a TTY. On the local machine it works as expected and only shows 5 messages at a time. So it seems to work as expected.

# Allocates pseudo-tty and only shows 5 messages. 
docker run -t --rm node:14 bash -c 'mkdir test && cd test && npm init -f && yarn set version berry && yarn add react-native'

# Does not allocate a pseudo-tty and shows ~4K messages.
docker run --rm node:14 bash -c 'mkdir test && cd test && npm init -f && yarn set version berry && yarn add react-native'
arcanis commented 4 years ago

Which CI? We have a CI mode under which only a summary is printed. Perhaps your CI isn't well detected?

merceyz commented 4 years ago

iirc docker doesn't count as a CI, try setting CI=true

devoto13 commented 4 years ago

It is a Docker container which is started manually on Azure Pipelines, so it is expected that it is not detected as CI. Setting CI=true works like a charm. Thanks for the hint @merceyz!

chrisdothtml commented 3 years ago

For anyone coming here from search, this was resolved in #1907 via logFilters

mnpenner commented 1 year ago

More specifically, add this to .yarnrc.yml:

    - code: YN0013 
      level: discard