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yarn.lock's differences from npm-shrinkwrap.json aren't clear #509

Open strugee opened 7 years ago

strugee commented 7 years ago

https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/yarn-lock/ states that yarn.lock "not lossy and it creates reproducible results." It's not clear to me exactly what this means on a technical level. What is meant by "reproducible"? And what is lost with shrinkwrap files?

johntron commented 7 years ago

I'm wondering if this answer is incorrect and potentially harmful. I assume many people have switched to Yarn for it's lockfiles, but it sounds like that's no longer necessary if we use npm lock files.

lukewendling commented 6 years ago

This thread and the SO link above by @johntron both dead-end when ppl ask how npm shrinkwrap is less reliable than yarn. I prefer to use 'native' tools whenever possible, so if this is a case of a community solution that was better but has now pushed npm to improve shrinkwrapping to the point that the later is now sufficient, i'd love to know. from my own experience, I have yet to encounter a case where shinkwrapping didn't sufficiently lock down dependencies but with so much attention paid to Yarn lately, I assumed that there are some cases where shinkwrapping could fail. Yarn continues to have advantages in performance, but honestly, i mostly just care that my deps are correct... not as concerned about shaving seconds off deployment times.

Venryx commented 2 years ago

The comments about npm shrinkwrap being "lossy" may be based on this comment, and this thread that it links to.