yarnpkg / yarn

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yarn publish hangs #1694

Closed reallistic closed 7 years ago

reallistic commented 8 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Report a bug

What is the current behavior? When attempting to publish a package yarn just hangs on step 3

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. To reproduce, simply try to publish something via yarn publish

What is the expected behavior? Publish should succeed or fail in a reasonable amount of time with a relevant error message

Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

$ yarn --version
Mac OS X 10.11.6
$ node --version


$ yarn publish
yarn publish v0.16.1
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 0.0.2
question New version: 0.0.3
info New version: 0.0.3
[2/4] Logging in...
info npm username: reallistic
question npm password: 
success Logged in.
[3/4] Publishing...
reallistic commented 8 years ago

Ref https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/1674

riccardoscalco commented 8 years ago

Same issue

Mac OS X 10.11.6
$ yarn --version
$ node --version

Published with

$ npm publish --access public
WillsonSmith commented 8 years ago

Same issue with some different versions if that helps debug.

yarn --version
macOS Sierra 10.12.1
node --version


yarn publish v0.17.2
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 1.0.0
question New version:
[2/4] Logging in...
[3/4] Publishing...
flintinatux commented 8 years ago

Latest yarn has same issue for scoped npm package.

Mac OS X El Capitain 10.11.4
$ yarn --version
$ node -v


$ yarn publish
yarn publish v0.17.3
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 0.0.0
question New version: 0.0.1
info New version: 0.0.1
[2/4] Logging in...
[3/4] Publishing...

And then it hangs indefinitely.

scull7 commented 8 years ago

Still having the issue in 0.17.9

$ yarn --version
$ node --version
$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.6
BuildVersion:   15G1108


$ yarn publish
yarn publish v0.17.9
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 0.7.0
question New version: 0.7.1
info New version: 0.7.1
[2/4] Logging in...
[3/4] Publishing...
Bomret commented 7 years ago

Still there in 0.18.0

$ yarn --version
$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.12.1
BuildVersion:   16B2555


$ yarn publish
yarn publish v0.18.0
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 0.6.0
question New version: 0.6.1
info New version: 0.6.1
[2/4] Logging in...
[3/4] Publishing...
lukasjuhas commented 7 years ago

Same issue here

OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
➜  ~ yarn --version
➜  ~ node --version


➜  myrepo git:(master) ✗ yarn publish
yarn publish v0.17.10
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 0.3.0
question New version:
[2/4] Logging in...
info npm username: myusername
info npm username: myemail
question npm password:
success Logged in.
[3/4] Publishing...
tsaiDavid commented 7 years ago

Wasn't having this issue earlier today, but I ran into this problem on both:

simnalamburt commented 7 years ago

Same issue here.

stuff version
node 7.2.1
yarn 0.17.9
OS Linux 4.7.6-1
distribution Arch Linux
JulianLeviston commented 7 years ago

Same issue here. node 6.2.0, yarn 0.17.10 OS MacOS 10.11.6

We publish to private npm repos at work. Some of us are having this behaviour, others not.

Is there a trace mode, or debug logs or something like that we can enable? (update: just discovered --verbose mode, duh! sorry.)

Our company just switched to yarn FWIW (so this represents about 20 developers). Had to use npm to publish (which is fine, just inconvenient to explain to new and existing people why)

I'm wondering if it's not perhaps a case of running yarn login as we used to have to run npm login because it's storing creds in a different spot now?

In either case, better error messages around this would be excellent, if at all possible.

(further update: --verbose doesn't help, tho I haven't tried --har where it logs all the requests: --har save HAR output of network traffic. We're using npm for publishing for now)

scull7 commented 7 years ago

I've tried the following:

But I'm still observing the [3/4] Publishing... hang issue with no additional output.

Here's the dstruss output that seems relevant, it seems to go into a ksevent wait-loop forever directly following this output:

13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: read(0xB, "\0", 0x400) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: psynch_cvsignal(0x1012BE640, 0x13690000136D00, 0x136900) = 256 0 13388/0x63198: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x13660000136A00, 0x136600) = 0 0 13388/0x63198: read(0x22, "{\n \"name\": \"boom\",\n \"description\": \"HTTP-friendly error objects\",\n \"version\": \"2.10.1\",\n \"repository\": \"git://github.com/hapijs/boom\",\n \"main\": \"lib/index.js\",\n \"keywords\": [\n \"error\",\n \"http\"\n ],\n \"engines\": {\n \"node\": \">=0.10.40\"\n },\n ", 0x205) = 517 0 13388/0x63198: write(0xC, "\0", 0x1) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: read(0xB, "\0", 0x400) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: psynch_cvsignal(0x1012BE640, 0x136A0000136E00, 0x136A00) = 256 0 13388/0x63196: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x13670000136B00, 0x136700) = 0 0 13388/0x63196: close(0x22) = 0 0 13388/0x63196: write(0xC, "\0", 0x1) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: read(0xB, "\0", 0x400) = 1 0 13388/0x6318a: psynch_cvsignal(0x1012BE640, 0x136B0000136F00, 0x136B00) = 256 0 13388/0x63197: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x13680000136C00, 0x136800) = 0 0 13388/0x63197: lstat64("/Users/<...omitted...>/pimp-my-sql/node_modules/brace-expansion/README.md\0", 0x0, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x63195: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x13690000136D00, 0x136900) = 0 0 13388/0x63198: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x136A0000136E00, 0x136A00) = 0 0 13388/0x63196: psynch_cvwait(0x1012BE640, 0x136B0000136F00, 0x136B00) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0 13388/0x6318a: kevent(0x8, 0x7FFF5FBF6C90, 0x0) = 0 0

Waize commented 7 years ago

pls have a look on my comment: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/610#issuecomment-268192243

erquhart commented 7 years ago

@cpojer @samccone this seems to be a known, major issue with yarn, and no members have commented about plans to address. Is fixing yarn publish on the roadmap? I don't mean making it better, I mean addressing reports that the feature is DOA.

Earliest report was in October, and @Waize commented with an assessment (linked above).

cpojer commented 7 years ago

Yarn is a community project. Feel free to send pull requests to improve the behavior! We agree that yarn publish isn't great right now and hope that it'll be fixed in the future.

MikeRalphson commented 7 years ago

Just upgraded to Yarn v0.19.1 - still happening consistently on Windows 10.0.14393 Node v6.9.0

simnalamburt commented 7 years ago

I think no one in the yarn team is actually working on this issue. Since yarn publish command can be easily replaced with npm publish command, this issue won't be given a high priority. (Actually it is not even triaged yet)

Sadly I'm quite sure that Facebook won't use their money to just satisfy their FOSS users. It might be possible if the staff of this project has enough free time, but looks like they're busy for other works recently.

Recent contribution graph of yarn
Recent contribution graph of yarn

So, let's solve this problem with collective intelligence. Just like @scull7 has shared his own result of debugging, maybe someone could carry on his work on and on. Even if each person doesn't have enough time to dig into this problem, multiple people as a community should have enough time to dig into this problem.

Please share your debug results to this thread. Even a single comment likes "yarn publish command is handled in this file!" is greatly helpful. Let's do this!

Waize commented 7 years ago

Did you read my comment?


Am 17. Jan. 2017, 09:01, um 09:01, Hyeon Kim notifications@github.com schrieb:

I think no one in the yarn team is actually working on this job. Since yarn publish command can be easily replaced with npm publish command, this issue won't be given high priority. (Actually it is not even triaged yet)

Sadly I'm quite sure that Facebook won't use their money to just satisfy their FOSS users. It might be possible if the staff of this project has enough free time, but looks like they're busy recently.

Recent contribution graph of yarn
Recent contribution graph of yarn

So, let's solve this problem with collective intelligence. Just like @scull7 has shared his own result of debugging, maybe someone could carry on his work on and on. Even if each person doesn't have enough time to dig into this problem, multiple people as a community should have enough time to dig into this problem.

Please share your debug results to this thread. Even a single comment likes "yarn publish command is handled in this file!" is greatly helpful. Let's do this!

-- You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/1694#issuecomment-273046343

simnalamburt commented 7 years ago

@Waize Oops sorry I just passed it without knowing. I thought it's a different issue (The tag of that issue is "enhancement". It's so misleding since this is a bug) Looks like the point that you catched is an actual cause of this bug. Let's find out how to fix this.

Hi, I've investigated this a bit and found that there is a mistake in reading the stream of the tgz-file or directory, depending on what you gave as arguments.

Sticking into this shows that the chunk size of the stream (on windows, linux not tested) is 65536 byte. In the stream.js where you call the ConcatStream-Object the _transform-function ist just called once. This leads to the problem: you get the stream, read the first chunk (65536 bytes) and nothing more happens.

Hopefully this can help you to fix this issue and make publish working again.

btw: in your pack.js-file there is no problem with the stream handling and I wonder why it is in publish.js 😕

MikeRalphson commented 7 years ago

It's this line in publish.js which hangs:

    const buffer = yield new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      stream.pipe(new (_stream || _load_stream()).ConcatStream(resolve)).on('error', reject);

Is the packed tar stream not being ended when it should be?

Waize commented 7 years ago

Currently I don't have much time to investigate this.

All I did was just write some console outputs after every single line to see where yarn publish breaks and this leads me to my triage --> debugging with console outputs :)

Maybe this will help one of you to fix the error.

farhansalam commented 7 years ago

I was having this error on yarn 0.18.1 And now it works fine on yarn 0.22.0 Mac OS 10.12.4

MikeRalphson commented 7 years ago

Thanks @farhansalam - 0.22.0 still hangs on Windows Version 10.0.14393, node 6.9.0

ecbrodie commented 7 years ago

I ran into this issue too, but I have a pretty strong feeling about why I ran into the issue. I believe that the prepublish command specified in my package.json file errored out, but Yarn failed to bubble up this error and failed to correctly halt execution.

I know this because I attempt a npm publish command afterwards and it terminated due to the correct error message (I did not have babel on my path, I forgot to install dependencies from package.json). After running npm install, the npm publish command succeeded.

I hope this helps with diagnosing the root cause of this yarn issue.

rardoz commented 7 years ago

NooooOOOOooo very disappointed. Experiencing the same issue on a linux/alpine docker container. This was working fine until yesterday.

abkieling commented 7 years ago

Having the same error with public scoped packages. Using yarn 0.24.6, node 6 and Fedora 25.

bestander commented 7 years ago

Fixed by https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/3646