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Allow `yarn audit` issues to be suppressed #6669

Open dwaynebailey opened 5 years ago

dwaynebailey commented 5 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?


What is the current behavior? yarn audit will report all issues and there is no way to suppress an issue that does not impact your code base.

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

What is the expected behavior? Users can maintain a file like .nsprc or .snyk to suppress various issues. This allows users to investigate and suppress issues that don't impact the code base or for which there is no current solution. This would also allow CI to be used to highlight new issues reported against the code base.

Ideally the report should be able to be: 1) Suppressed 2) Suppressed for a period

Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

$ node --version
$ yarn --version
$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.1
BuildVersion:   18B75
johnmccabe commented 5 years ago

Can #6632 be rolled into this feature?

pfaffle commented 5 years ago

There's work in progress to integrate https://www.npmjs.com/package/npm-audit-resolver (which extends npm audit to do exactly this sort of thing) into npm, but it only works for npm-generated lockfiles. It would be awesome to have that same functionality for yarn lockfiles.

aaronjensen commented 5 years ago

For anyone who needs to work around this now, we're using this:

set +e
yarn audit
set -e

if [ "$result" != 0 ]; then
  if [ -f yarn-audit-known-issues ]; then
    set +e
    yarn audit --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-issues
    set -e

    if diff -q yarn-audit-known-issues yarn-audit-issues > /dev/null 2>&1; then
      echo Ignorning known vulnerabilities
      exit 0

  echo Security vulnerabilities were found that were not ignored
  echo Check to see if these vulnerabilities apply to production
  echo and/or if they have fixes available. If they do not have
  echo fixes and they do not apply to production, you may ignore them
  echo To ignore these vulnerabilities, run:
  echo "yarn audit --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-known-issues"
  echo and commit the yarn-audit-known-issues file

  exit "$result"
danielwhatmuff commented 4 years ago

How is this not a thing yet?!

Bessonov commented 4 years ago

@AaronHarris Thank you very much for your snippet! I've modified your version to avoid run audit twice and create temporary file:


# workaround for missing feature
# https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/6669

set -u

set +e
output=$(yarn audit --json)
set -e

if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
    # everything is fine
    exit 0

if [ -f yarn-audit-known-issues ] && echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | diff -q yarn-audit-known-issues - > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo Ignorning known vulnerabilities
    exit 0

echo Security vulnerabilities were found that were not ignored
echo Check to see if these vulnerabilities apply to production
echo and/or if they have fixes available. If they do not have
echo fixes and they do not apply to production, you may ignore them
echo To ignore these vulnerabilities, run:
echo "yarn audit --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-known-issues"
echo and commit the yarn-audit-known-issues file
echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | python -mjson.tool

exit "$result"
aaronjensen commented 4 years ago

@Bessonov That's great, thanks. We've put this into a CircleCI orb, for any using CircleCI: https://github.com/substantial/circleci-orbs/blob/master/yarn.yml

It includes a fail-safe for when yarn/npm servers are down so that builds don't fail in that case. If anyone wants to PR Bessonov's changes, that'd be great.

timja commented 4 years ago

FYI there's a PR open for this https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/8223

aterlamia commented 3 years ago

To fix this issue i have opened PR #8368, the PR fails but it seems unrelated to my changes (as other prs seem to fail on the same). If somebody can give feedback/review so i can change anything if needed that would be great.

joshbuker commented 3 years ago

This would be great in scenarios where the CVE is considered low-risk/irrelevant for a project, and no upstream fixes are yet available. For example: https://github.com/rails/webpacker/issues/3017 (postcss regex DoS vuln, dependency of @rails/webpacker)

jipiboily commented 3 years ago

@athix I don't know if there is an equivalent with yarn (I moved off of it), but here is what I use to do exactly that with npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/better-npm-audit

Probably not super helpful, but thought I would share anyway. Just in case it can be helpful for someone.

rmaclean-ee commented 3 years ago

+1 to @jipiboily suggestion. We moved to it last week and much happier. Yarn should just make that the built-in default.

clement-escolano commented 3 years ago

audit-ci and npm-audit-resolver provides the same features as better-npm-audit with yarn support 😉

jaredbeck commented 3 years ago

In Yarn 2, the analogous command seems to be yarn npm audit (docs). It was added by https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/pull/1892, and released in 2.4.0. It can omit devDependencies, a common source of audit frustration.

yarn npm audit --environment production

Yarn 2 also has a plugin system which could be used to implement an alternative audit command.

robdavidson-lumin commented 2 years ago

@AaronHarris Thank you very much for your snippet! I've modified your version to avoid run audit twice and create temporary file:


# workaround for missing feature
# https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/6669

set -u

set +e
output=$(yarn audit --json)
set -e

if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
  # everything is fine
  exit 0

if [ -f yarn-audit-known-issues ] && echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | diff -q yarn-audit-known-issues - > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  echo Ignorning known vulnerabilities
  exit 0

echo Security vulnerabilities were found that were not ignored
echo Check to see if these vulnerabilities apply to production
echo and/or if they have fixes available. If they do not have
echo fixes and they do not apply to production, you may ignore them
echo To ignore these vulnerabilities, run:
echo "yarn audit --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-known-issues"
echo and commit the yarn-audit-known-issues file
echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | python -mjson.tool

exit "$result"

How did you set yarn-audit-known-issues ?

aaronjensen commented 2 years ago

I followed the instructions in the echo message:

echo "yarn audit --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-known-issues"

atb-brown commented 2 years ago

It looks like someone mentioned better-npm-audit, but there is also a similar package for yarn: improved-yarn-audit.

anilanar commented 2 years ago

Solution for those who come from their search engines:

noppa commented 2 years ago

We run audit before running install so adding new tools for doing the audit is a bit cyclical. Can be solved with a globally installed package or npx but it's not ideal. This feature should really be baked in. I feel like there's bogus CVEs every other day now.

kurtseifried commented 2 years ago

We run audit before running install so adding new tools for doing the audit is a bit cyclical. Can be solved with a globally installed package or npx but it's not ideal. This feature should really be baked in. I feel like there's bogus CVEs every other day now.

Can you provide examples? Do you mean CVEs that are low quality? Low severity? Not actually vulnerabilities? I'm asking because I want to avoid this problem if possible with the UVI project.

HudsonGraeme commented 2 years ago

We run audit before running install so adding new tools for doing the audit is a bit cyclical. Can be solved with a globally installed package or npx but it's not ideal. This feature should really be baked in. I feel like there's bogus CVEs every other day now.

Can you provide examples? Do you mean CVEs that are low quality? Low severity? Not actually vulnerabilities? I'm asking because I want to avoid this problem if possible with the UVI project.

Here is an example from today, this is a CVE that isn't actually a vulnerability but results in a critical warning in yarn audit. It's pending revocation. https://github.com/lodash/lodash/issues/5261 https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-41720

kurtseifried commented 2 years ago

We run audit before running install so adding new tools for doing the audit is a bit cyclical. Can be solved with a globally installed package or npx but it's not ideal. This feature should really be baked in. I feel like there's bogus CVEs every other day now.

Can you provide examples? Do you mean CVEs that are low quality? Low severity? Not actually vulnerabilities? I'm asking because I want to avoid this problem if possible with the UVI project.

Here is an example from today, this is a CVE that isn't actually a vulnerability but results in a critical warning in yarn audit. It's pending revocation. lodash/lodash#5261 https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-41720

Ok, interesting, I would point out it's in the disputed state so the process is proceeding, are there many more examples, e.g. how problematic is this? (1? 10? 100?)

noppa commented 2 years ago

Yeah we hit the lodash one too today and couple of days ago there was (and has now popped back apparently) Prototype pollution in objection.js, which is also marked as critical even though it's based on a prvate, internal function of the library. No one has demonstrated that this can actually be used to exploit the app through the lib's public API (see the maintainer's comments in the huntr thread).

At least in our setup high & critical vulns literally stop all builds, so it's pretty bad. I haven't bothered to set up the ignore-thingy thus far because these haven't been so common (like one or two times a year maybe), but now there's been a couple in the past few days so I'm going to bite the bullet before it gets worse.

Edit: But in addition to completely bogus vulns, there are also those that you just know don't affect you in any way. Like a dependency of Webpack has as a regex ddos vulnerability? What are the attackers going to do, inject malicious regex to your source code so your build halts and fans spin up? oh no

I think it's important that the ignoring functionality is also able to ignore a vulnerability given that the library is only a dependency of certain libraries. Like "ignore xyz if it's coming from one of webpack's dependencies".

compwron commented 1 year ago

Here is our slightly modified version which makes a cleaner git diff when you update your ignores

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu -o pipefail

echo "--- Auditing yarn dependencies"
# https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/6669#issuecomment-463684767
set +e
yarn audit

if [ "$result" != 0 ]; then
  yarn audit --high --json | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-issues
  ruby lib/yarn_audit/known_issue_processor.rb yarn-audit-issues yarn-audit-issues.csv

  DIFF=$(diff yarn-audit-issues.csv yarn-audit-known-issues.csv)
  if [ "${DIFF}" != "" ]; then
    echo "Changes found on yarn-audit-issues"
    echo "${DIFF}"
    echo "No new issues that are not known"
    exit 0

  echo Security vulnerabilities were found that were not ignored
  echo Check to see if these vulnerabilities apply to production
  echo and/or if they have fixes available. If they do not have
  echo fixes and they do not apply to production, you may ignore them
  echo To ignore these vulnerabilities, run locally:
  echo "bin/ci/yarn-audit; cp yarn-audit-issues.csv yarn-audit-known-issues.csv"
  echo and commit the yarn-audit-known-issues.csv

exit "$result"
# frozen_string_literal: true

require "json"
require "csv"

module YarnAudit
  class KnownIssueProcessor
    def self.run(input_file_path, output_file_path)
      csv_str = File.read(input_file_path).split("\n").map do |line|
        json = JSON.parse(line)
        advisory = json.dig("data", "advisory")
        [advisory["module_name"], advisory["vulnerable_versions"], advisory["recommendation"], advisory["url"]].to_csv
      File.open(output_file_path, "w") do |f|

if __FILE__ == $0
  YarnAudit::KnownIssueProcessor.run(ARGV[0], ARGV[1])
rawblue-sudo commented 1 year ago

I just stumbled across https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/blob/4d0eb0928543c37f8aedfac4a4a30c2731ac0772/packages/plugin-npm-cli/sources/commands/npm/audit.ts#L56

which seems to respond to the initial request. Could be adapted via a CI script to read from a file I guess

pkyeck commented 1 year ago

I changed @Bessonov script to use jq instead of python:


# workaround for missing feature
# https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/6669

set -u

set +e
output=$(yarn audit --json --groups dependencies)
set -e

if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
    # everything is fine
    exit 0

if [ -f yarn-audit-known-issues ] && echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | diff -q yarn-audit-known-issues - > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo Ignorning known vulnerabilities
        jq --slurp '.[].data.advisory | {findings, title, severity, patched_versions}' yarn-audit-known-issues
    exit 0

echo Security vulnerabilities were found that were not ignored
echo Check to see if these vulnerabilities apply to production
echo and/or if they have fixes available. If they do not have
echo fixes and they do not apply to production, you may ignore them
echo To ignore these vulnerabilities, run:
echo "yarn audit --json --groups dependencies | grep auditAdvisory > yarn-audit-known-issues"
echo and commit the yarn-audit-known-issues file
echo "$output" | grep auditAdvisory | jq --slurp '.[].data.advisory | {findings, title, severity, patched_versions}'

exit "$result"