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Unable to install node module in react-native project #8958

Open hr28572 opened 1 year ago

hr28572 commented 1 year ago

yarn install v1.22.19 warning ../../package.json: No license field info No lockfile found. [1/4] šŸ” Resolving packages... warning @react-native-community/async-storage@1.12.1: Async Storage has moved to new organization: https://github.com/react-native-async-storage/async-storage warning @react-native-community/async-storage > deep-assign@3.0.0: Check out lodash.merge or merge-options instead. warning @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios > xcode > uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. warning @react-native-community/masked-view@0.1.11: Repository was moved to @react-native-masked-view/masked-view warning firebase > @firebase/polyfill > core-js@3.6.5: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning npm > node-gyp > make-fetch-happen > cacache > @npmcli/move-file@2.0.1: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs warning react-native > react-native-codegen > jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated warning react-native > @react-native-community/cli > @react-native-community/cli-plugin-metro > metro > metro-minify-uglify > uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by uglify-js as of v3.13.0 warning react-native > react-native-codegen > jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated warning react-native > react-native-codegen > jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > source-map-url@0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated warning react-native > react-native-codegen > jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated warning react-native-calendar-picker > uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. warning react-native-dropdownalert > prop-types > fbjs > core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning react-native-image-resizer@1.4.5: šŸšØ react-native-image-resizer has moved to @bam.tech/react-native-image-resizer warning react-native-image-slider > flow-typed > @babel/polyfill@7.12.1: šŸšØ This package has been deprecated in favor of separate inclusion of a polyfill and regenerator-runtime (when needed). See the @babel/polyfill docs (https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-polyfill) for more information. warning react-native-image-slider > flow-typed > @babel/polyfill > core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning react-native-popup-dialog > babel-plugin-flow-react-proptypes > babel-core > babel-register > core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning react-native-popup-dialog > babel-plugin-flow-react-proptypes > babel-core > babel-runtime > core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning react-native-reanimated > fbjs > core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. warning react-native-video > shaka-player@2.5.23: Shaka Player < v3.2 is no longer supported. [2/4] šŸšš Fetching packages... [3/4] šŸ”— Linking dependencies... warning " > @react-native-community/async-storage@1.12.1" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.8". warning " > @react-native-picker/picker@1.16.8" has incorrect peer dependency "react@16 || 17". warning " > @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@5.11.15" has incorrect peer dependency "@react-navigation/native@^5.0.5". warning " > @react-navigation/drawer@5.12.9" has incorrect peer dependency "@react-navigation/native@^5.0.5". warning " > @react-navigation/stack@5.14.9" has incorrect peer dependency "@react-navigation/native@^5.0.5". warning " > @shoutem/theme@0.11.6" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.0.0". warning " > lottie-react-native@5.1.6" has unmet peer dependency "lottie-ios@^3.4.0". warning " > react-native-auto-height-image@3.2.4" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^17.0.0". warning " > react-native-auto-height-image@3.2.4" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0.63.0". warning " > react-native-cardview@2.0.5" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0.56.0". warning " > react-native-contacts-chooser@1.0.0-alpha.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react@16.0.0-alpha.6". warning " > react-native-contacts-chooser@1.0.0-alpha.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0.44.1". warning " > react-native-fast-image@7.0.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.8.6". warning " > react-native-fast-image@7.0.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0.60.0". warning "react-native-image-carousel > react-swipeable-views-native@0.13.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.5". warning "react-native-image-slider > flow-typed > @octokit/rest > @octokit/plugin-request-log@1.0.4" has unmet peer dependency "@octokit/core@>=3". warning " > react-native-internet-connection-alert@0.1.9" has incorrect peer dependency "@react-native-community/netinfo@>= 8.3.0". warning " > react-native-phone-input@1.3.6" has incorrect peer dependency "@react-native-picker/picker@>= 2.0". warning " > react-native-qrcode-generator@1.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native-webview@^9.0.1". warning " > react-native-qrcode-svg@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native-svg@^13.2.0". warning " > react-native-shimmer@0.6.0" has incorrect peer dependency "react@>=16.0.0-alpha.12 <17.0.0". warning " > react-native-video-player@0.12.0" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native-video@^2.0.0". warning " > react-navigation-backhandler@2.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^15.0.0-0 || ^16.0.0-0". warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects. [4/4] šŸ”Ø Building fresh packages... [1/9] ā ˆ bs-platform [7/9] ā ˆ native-base [-/9] ā ˆ waiting... [-/9] ā ˆ waiting... error /Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node scripts/install.js Arguments: Directory: /Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform Output: ninja not compatible? Error: Command failed: "/Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform/darwin/ninja.exe" --version building ninja x .clang-format x .gitignore x .travis.yml x COPYING x HACKING.md x README x RELEASING x appveyor.yml x bootstrap.py x configure.py x doc/ x doc/README.md x doc/dblatex.xsl x doc/docbook.xsl x doc/doxygen.config x doc/manual.asciidoc x doc/style.css x misc/ x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/ x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_build x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_default x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_include x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_pool x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_rule x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/kw_subninja x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_a x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_b x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_colon x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_cont x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_dollar x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_eq x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_indent x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_pipe x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_pipepipe x misc/afl-fuzz-tokens/misc_space x misc/afl-fuzz/ x misc/afl-fuzz/build.ninja x misc/bash-completion x misc/ci.py x misc/inherited-fds.ninja x misc/long-slow-build.ninja x misc/measure.py x misc/ninja-mode.el x misc/ninja.vim x misc/ninja_syntax.py x misc/ninja_syntax_test.py x misc/output_test.py x misc/packaging/ x misc/packaging/ninja.spec x misc/packaging/rpmbuild.sh x misc/write_fake_manifests.py x misc/zsh-completion x snapshot.js x src/ x src/browse.cc x src/browse.h x src/browse.py x src/build.cc x src/build.h x src/build_log.cc x src/build_log.h x src/build_log_perftest.cc x src/build_log_test.cc x src/build_test.cc x src/canon_perftest.cc x src/clean.cc x src/clean.h x src/clean_test.cc x src/clparser.cc x src/clparser.h x src/clparser_perftest.cc x src/clparser_test.cc x src/debug_flags.cc x src/debug_flags.h x src/depfile_parser.cc x src/depfile_parser.h x src/depfile_parser.in.cc x src/depfile_parser_perftest.cc x src/depfile_parser_test.cc x src/deps_log.cc x src/deps_log.h x src/deps_log_test.cc x src/disk_interface.cc x src/disk_interface.h x src/disk_interface_test.cc x src/dyndep.cc x src/dyndep.h x src/dyndep_parser.cc x src/dyndep_parser.h x src/dyndep_parser_test.cc x src/edit_distance.cc x src/edit_distance.h x src/edit_distance_test.cc x src/eval_env.cc x src/eval_env.h x src/exit_status.h x src/gen_doxygen_mainpage.sh x src/getopt.c x src/getopt.h x src/graph.cc x src/graph.h x src/graph_test.cc x src/graphviz.cc x src/graphviz.h x src/hash_collision_bench.cc x src/hash_map.h x src/includes_normalize-win32.cc x src/includes_normalize.h x src/includes_normalize_test.cc x src/inline.sh x src/lexer.cc x src/lexer.h x src/lexer.in.cc x src/lexer_test.cc x src/line_printer.cc x src/line_printer.h x src/manifest_parser.cc x src/manifest_parser.h x src/manifest_parser_perftest.cc x src/manifest_parser_test.cc x src/metrics.cc x src/metrics.h x src/minidump-win32.cc x src/msvc_helper-win32.cc x src/msvc_helper.h x src/msvc_helper_main-win32.cc x src/msvc_helper_test.cc x src/ninja.cc x src/ninja_test.cc x src/parser.cc x src/parser.h x src/state.cc x src/state.h x src/state_test.cc x src/string_piece.h x src/string_piece_util.cc x src/string_piece_util.h x src/string_piece_util_test.cc x src/subprocess-posix.cc x src/subprocess-win32.cc x src/subprocess.h x src/subprocess_test.cc x src/test.cc x src/test.h x src/timestamp.h x src/util.cc x src/util.h x src/util_test.cc x src/version.cc x src/version.h x src/win32port.h No prebuilt Ninja, building Ninja now env: python: No such file or directory node:child_process:960 throw err; ^

Error: Command failed: ./configure.py --bootstrap at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:885:11) at Object.execSync (node:child_process:957:15) at build_ninja (/Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform/scripts/install.js:47:10) at provideNinja (/Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform/scripts/install.js:94:3) at Object. (/Users/himanshurathore/Desktop/Smartworks/node_modules/bs-platform/scripts/install.js:220:1) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1254:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1308:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1117:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:958:12) { status: 127, signal: null, output: [ null, null, null ], pid: 29085, stdout: null, stderr: null