yaron4u / EnigmaCracker

EnigmaCracker is a tool for brute forcing crypto wallets
MIT License
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An idea #34

Open jalalalali opened 3 months ago

jalalalali commented 3 months ago

I adjusted the code in the EnigmaCracker.py file that an email sent when a balance found as below:

from email.message import EmailMessage
import ssl
import smtplib

email_sender  = 'YOUR_EMAIL'
email_password  = 'YOUR_APPPASWORD'
email_receiver = 'YOUR_EMAIL'
subject = 'BTC Balance'

em = EmailMessage()
em['From'] = email_sender
em['To'] = email_receiver
em['Subject'] = subject
context = ssl.create_default_context()

In the condition part as below:

body = f"Seed: {seed}\nAddress: {BTC_address}\nBalance: {BTC_balance} BTC\n\nEthereum Address: {ETH_address}\nBalance: {ETH_balance} ETH\n\n"

with smptlib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465, context=context) as smtp:
    smtp.login(email_sender, email_password)
    smtp.sendmail(email_sender, email_receiver, em.as_string())
AshwathSanjai commented 3 months ago

have you found any crypto ? and how long did it take ?

ericbowser commented 1 month ago

(2048^12) or 5.44....x10^39 OR (2^132) text combinations. I wonder how quantum will fair

jalalalali commented 1 month ago

(2048^12) or 5.44....x10^39 OR (2^132) text combinations. I wonder how quantum will fair

You are right

Rayjona365 commented 4 weeks ago

Please how do i add this email script to the program please i need your assistance

I adjusted the code in the EnigmaCracker.py file that an email sent when a balance found as below:

from email.message import EmailMessage
import ssl
import smtplib

email_sender  = 'YOUR_EMAIL'
email_password  = 'YOUR_APPPASWORD'
email_receiver = 'YOUR_EMAIL'
subject = 'BTC Balance'

em = EmailMessage()
em['From'] = email_sender
em['To'] = email_receiver
em['Subject'] = subject
context = ssl.create_default_context()

In the condition part as below:

body = f"Seed: {seed}\nAddress: {BTC_address}\nBalance: {BTC_balance} BTC\n\nEthereum Address: {ETH_address}\nBalance: {ETH_balance} ETH\n\n"

with smptlib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465, context=context) as smtp:
    smtp.login(email_sender, email_password)
    smtp.sendmail(email_sender, email_receiver, em.as_string())
legaciespanda commented 6 hours ago

I can help you for just $10. To setup on both linux and windows.

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