yaronkaikov / scylla

NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
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[x86_64, dev] topology_custom/test_raft_recovery_stuck failed with NoHostAvailable #32

Closed yaronkaikov closed 1 month ago

yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

https://jenkins.scylladb.com/job/scylla-master/job/next/7785/ failed with the following error:

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________ test_recover_stuck_raft_recovery _______________________

request = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_recover_stuck_raft_recovery>>
manager = <test.pylib.manager_client.ManagerClient object at 0x7fb3b9375dd0>

    @skip_mode('release', 'error injections are not supported in release mode')
    async def test_recover_stuck_raft_recovery(request, manager: ManagerClient):
        After creating a cluster, we enter RECOVERY state on every server. Then, we delete the Raft data
        and the upgrade state on all servers. We restart them and the upgrade procedure starts. One of the
        servers fails, the rest enter 'synchronize' state. We assume the failed server cannot be recovered.
        We cannot just remove it at this point; it's already part of group 0, `remove_from_group0` will wait
        until upgrade procedure finishes - but the procedure is stuck.  To proceed we enter RECOVERY state on
        the other servers, remove the failed one, and clear existing Raft data. After leaving RECOVERY the
        remaining nodes will restart the procedure, establish a new group 0 and finish upgrade.
        cfg = {'enable_user_defined_functions': False,
               'force_gossip_topology_changes': True}
        servers = [await manager.server_add(config=cfg) for _ in range(3)]
        srv1, *others = servers

        logging.info("Waiting until driver connects to every server")
        cql = manager.get_cql()
        hosts = await wait_for_cql_and_get_hosts(cql, servers, time.time() + 60)

        logging.info(f"Setting recovery state on {hosts}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(enter_recovery_state(cql, h) for h in hosts))
        await asyncio.gather(*(manager.server_restart(srv.server_id) for srv in servers))
        cql = await reconnect_driver(manager)

        logging.info(f"Cluster restarted, waiting until driver reconnects to {others}")
        hosts = await wait_for_cql_and_get_hosts(cql, servers, time.time() + 60)
        logging.info(f"Driver reconnected, hosts: {hosts}")

        logging.info(f"Deleting Raft data and upgrade state on {hosts}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(delete_raft_data_and_upgrade_state(cql, h) for h in hosts))

        logging.info(f"Stopping {servers}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(manager.server_stop_gracefully(srv.server_id) for srv in servers))

        logging.info(f"Starting {srv1} with injected group 0 upgrade error")
        await manager.server_update_config(srv1.server_id, 'error_injections_at_startup', ['group0_upgrade_before_synchronize'])
        await manager.server_start(srv1.server_id)

        logging.info(f"Starting {others}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(manager.server_start(srv.server_id) for srv in others))
        cql = await reconnect_driver(manager)

        logging.info(f"Cluster restarted, waiting until driver reconnects to {others}")
        hosts = await wait_for_cql_and_get_hosts(cql, others, time.time() + 60)
        logging.info(f"Driver reconnected, hosts: {hosts}")

        logging.info(f"Waiting until {hosts} enter 'synchronize' state")
        await asyncio.gather(*(wait_for_upgrade_state('synchronize', cql, h, time.time() + 60) for h in hosts))
        logging.info(f"{hosts} entered synchronize")

        log_file1 = await manager.server_open_log(srv1.server_id)
        logging.info(f"Checking if Raft upgrade procedure failed on {srv1}")
        await log_file1.wait_for("error injection before group 0 upgrade enters synchronize")

        logging.info(f"Setting recovery state on {hosts}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(enter_recovery_state(cql, h) for h in hosts))

        logging.info(f"Restarting {others}")
        await asyncio.gather(*(manager.server_restart(srv.server_id) for srv in others))
        cql = await reconnect_driver(manager)

        logging.info(f"{others} restarted, waiting until driver reconnects to them")
        hosts = await wait_for_cql_and_get_hosts(cql, others, time.time() + 60)

        logging.info(f"Checking if {hosts} are in recovery state")
        for host in hosts:
>           rs = await cql.run_async(
                    "select value from system.scylla_local where key = 'group0_upgrade_state'",
E           cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ('Unable to complete the operation against any hosts', {<Host: datacenter1>: ConnectionException('Host has been marked down or removed')})

test/topology_custom/test_raft_recovery_stuck.py:88: NoHostAvailable
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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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yaronkaikov commented 1 month ago

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