yaronkaikov / scylla

NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
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[x86_64, dev] topology_custom/test_raft_recovery_stuck failed with NoHostAvailable #33

Closed yaronkaikov closed 3 months ago

yaronkaikov commented 3 months ago

https://jenkins.scylladb.com/job/scylla-master/job/next/7785/ failed with the following error:

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________________ test_change_two ________________________________

manager = <test.pylib.manager_client.ManagerClient object at 0x7f533e705690>
random_tables = <test.pylib.random_tables.RandomTables object at 0x7f533e707ad0>
mode = 'debug'

    async def test_change_two(manager, random_tables, mode):
        """Stop two nodes, change their IPs and start, check the cluster is
        servers = await manager.running_servers()
        host_ids = {s.server_id: await manager.get_host_id(s.server_id) for s in servers}
        table = await random_tables.add_table(name='t1', pks=1, columns=[
            Column("pk", IntType),
            Column('int_c', IntType)

        logger.info(f"Servers {servers}, gracefully stopping servers {servers[1]} and {servers[2]} to change ips")
        await manager.server_stop_gracefully(servers[1].server_id)
        await manager.server_stop_gracefully(servers[2].server_id)
        s1_new_ip = await manager.server_change_ip(servers[1].server_id)
        s2_new_ip = await manager.server_change_ip(servers[2].server_id)
        logger.info(f"s1 new ip {s1_new_ip}, s2 new ip {s2_new_ip}")

        async def wait_proper_ips(alive_servers: list[ServerInfo]):
            hosts = {h.address: h for h in await wait_for_cql_and_get_hosts(manager.get_cql(), alive_servers, time.time() + 60)}
            expected_alive_ips = {s.rpc_address for s in alive_servers}
            expected_down_ips = {s.rpc_address for s in servers if s not in alive_servers}
            expected_host_id_map = {host_ids[s.server_id]: s.rpc_address for s in servers}
            logger.info(f"wait for proper ips, servers {servers}, alive servers {alive_servers}, expected host id map {expected_host_id_map}")
            for server in alive_servers:
                ip = server.rpc_address
                host = hosts[ip]
                host_id = host_ids[server.server_id]
                expected_peers = [(uuid.UUID(host_ids[s.server_id]), s.rpc_address) for s in servers if s.server_id != server.server_id]
                logger.info(f"waiting for {ip}/{host_id} to see the proper ips, expected peers {expected_peers}")

                async def see_proper_ips():
                    local_rows = await manager.get_cql().run_async("select host_id, listen_address, rpc_address, broadcast_address from system.local", host=host)
                    if len(local_rows) != 1:
                        logger.info(f"len(system.local) == {len(local_rows)} != 1")
                        return None
                    local_row = local_rows[0]
                    local_vals = (local_row.host_id, local_row.listen_address, local_row.rpc_address, local_row.broadcast_address)
                    local_expected_vals = (uuid.UUID(host_id), ip, ip, ip)
                    if local_vals != local_expected_vals:
                        logger.info(f"local vals {local_vals} doesn't match expected vals {local_expected_vals}")
                        return None

                    current_peers = [(r.host_id, r.peer) for r in await manager.get_cql().run_async("select peer, host_id from system.peers", host=host)]
                    if current_peers != expected_peers:
                        logger.info(f"host {host} current peers {current_peers} doesn't match the expected_peers {expected_peers}, continue waiting")
                        return None

                    alive_eps = set(await manager.api.get_alive_endpoints(ip))
                    if alive_eps != expected_alive_ips:
                        logger.info(f"host {host} alive endpoints {alive_eps} doesn't match the expected alive ips {expected_alive_ips}, continue waiting")
                        return None

                    down_eps = set(await manager.api.get_down_endpoints(ip))
                    if down_eps != expected_down_ips:
                        logger.info(f"host {host} down endpoints {down_eps} doesn't match the expected down ips {expected_down_ips}, continue waiting")
                        return None

                    actual_host_id_map = {x['value']: x['key'] for x in await manager.api.get_host_id_map(host.address)}
                    if expected_host_id_map != actual_host_id_map:
                        logger.info(f"host {host} id map {actual_host_id_map} doesn't match the expected host id map {expected_host_id_map}, continue waiting")
                        return None

                    return True

                await wait_for(see_proper_ips, time.time() + 60)

        # We're checking the crash scenario here - the servers[0] crashes just after
        # saving s1_new_ip but before removing s1_old_ip. After its restart we should
        # see s1_new_ip.
        if mode != 'release':
            await manager.api.enable_injection(servers[0].ip_addr, 'crash-before-prev-ip-removed', one_shot=True)
            # There is a code in raft_ip_address_updater::on_endpoint_change which
            # calls gossiper.force_remove_endpoint for an endpoint if it sees
            # that the current generation of host_id -> ip mapping in raft_address_map
            # is greater than the generation of the endpoint.
            # We need to inject a delay ip-change-raft-sync-delay
            # before old IP is removed. Otherwise, servers[0] removes the old
            # IP-s before they are send back to servers[1] and servers[2],
            # and the mentioned above code is not exercised by this test.
            await manager.api.enable_injection(servers[0].ip_addr, 'ip-change-raft-sync-delay', one_shot=False)
        await manager.server_start(servers[1].server_id)
        servers[1] = ServerInfo(servers[1].server_id, s1_new_ip, s1_new_ip)
        if mode != 'release':
            s0_logs = await manager.server_open_log(servers[0].server_id)
            await s0_logs.wait_for('crash-before-prev-ip-removed hit, killing the node')
            await manager.server_stop(servers[0].server_id)
            await manager.server_start(servers[0].server_id)
            await manager.api.enable_injection(servers[0].ip_addr, 'ip-change-raft-sync-delay', one_shot=False)
        await reconnect_driver(manager)
>       await wait_proper_ips([servers[0], servers[1]])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
test/topology/test_change_ip.py:91: in wait_proper_ips
    await wait_for(see_proper_ips, time.time() + 60)
test/pylib/util.py:49: in wait_for
    res = await pred()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    async def see_proper_ips():
>       local_rows = await manager.get_cql().run_async("select host_id, listen_address, rpc_address, broadcast_address from system.local", host=host)
E       cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ('Unable to complete the operation against any hosts', {<Host: datacenter1>: ConnectionException('Host has been marked down or removed')})

test/topology/test_change_ip.py:57: NoHostAvailable
------------------------------ Captured log setup ------------------------------



yaronkaikov commented 3 months ago

Seen again in https://jenkins.scylladb.com/job/scylla-master/job/next/7785/

